Woke up.
Walked my dog.
Got online.
Ate lunch.
Walked to cafe.
Am now between reading, typing notes, and aspie forums.
After I left the cafe I had to pee really really really bad, so I stopped in a frozen yoghurt shop. I went pee, but then I had to buy an expensive frozen yoghurt (I had to because the bathroom was for
costumers only). Therefore I (reluctantly) grabbed a bowl and filled it with brownie and cookie cake frozen yoghurt flavours, and then (painstakingly) added brownie bits and marshmallows, and (furiously) shook chocolate sprinkles on it. Then the cashier weighed the bowl and I payed for it with my last monies (I have 37 cents left). I was thanking the heavens it didn't cost more than that because they charged by weight and I had no idea how much it was going to weigh.
Then, I had to sit in the bloody shop and eat the whole bowl (because outside it was raining) while the television was turned up really loud on the FOX channel (I wished I had ear plugs). A boxing match came on (baseball was delayed) and it was interesting, I also saw footage (on the second giant TV, muted) of the bombings in Boston (how disturbing). Luckily I did not have to endure the chatter of other customers over the TV volume because I was the only customer for awhile.
I noted that the shop's orange disposable yoghurt spoons were very well designed and easy to scoop and lick frozen yoghurt off of. I also noted how FOX seemed to be catering to Latinos, which makes sense if they are trying to brainwash more minorities so they will vote for a new republican President. Additionally, I was disappointed (but not so surprised) that the marshmallows I chose as toppings were stale.
Finally, I finished up the bowl just as new customers were coming in. It had stopped raining so I packed up my umbrella and made my way back across the bridge to home. While I walked, I mused that the orange disposable spoons were excellent for frozen yoghurt consumption but really would have been useless for any other type of food (except ice cream and regular yoghurt, obviously). I regretted throwing the spoon away because it would have made an interesting souvenir.
The sky was beautiful, with varyingly thick patches of cloud cover: in the west, sunlight was lighting up different could shapes as it slowly descended towards the horizon; far above it (still in the western sky) the waxing crescent moon was blearily visible through the sky's foggy veil. To the south east, on the other hand, the sky was dark and it was clearly still raining in that direction. I hoped that the storm would stay put (over there) for awhile and not decide to ambush me on my way home.
It didn't. I stayed dry, the baseball game resumed, and the storm may have passed.
But now I have slight reflux from all the frozen yoghurt I ate. No regrets however. It was DELICIOUS!