I just finished making asparagus soup. Well, it still needs some cream, some g. q. ham and fresh parsley (plus, maybe, some lemon juice) through it. Will do so tomorrow just before I'm going to serve it for 'me' sis, her hubby and their three kiddos. Probs youngest'll gonna 'nah' the soup, but hey..
Washing machine is on too at the moment and a neighbour brought me a tacker a quarter of an hour ago.. so.. I'm going to finish making my 'square meter' of (balcony) garden within two hours also. Has been a productive afternoon, I must say.
After dinner I'll be making fresh tzatziki (also for tomorrow). Main course, then? Um, still don't know for sure but I lean towards a (not too complex) pasta dish. Saves me some kitchen time and the kids will eat it, I'm reckoning (now).