I walked the urchin the 2.4 miles to school. Have been doing this since he was excluded in the afternoons. It just 'takes the edge' off him, slightly and he is not so hyperactive for an hour or so.
It has actually been great because i get some perfect moments of clarity from the boy when he is walking. Starts off a bit like Basil Fawlty, and he has a whole range of 'silly' walks but then, taaadaa he is a joy to be with! Maybe something balances something else (? fuck knows what) with the rhythm of walking (he counts sometimes, too) but it was always the same with his trampoline - kind of therapeutic.
Sometimes i walk back home, too. Today i didn't. I got on a bus. Eeeewww, i hate being in a closed space with 'other people'
yikes but i was knackered.
Normally that distance is easy but not in the snow...and the ice. Oh and then he keeps picking up bits of snow and ice and i tell him "Don't do that, you will get your gloves wet and then moan about your hands being cold"
5 minutes later
"Mummy my hands are soooo cooooold"
so i had to give him my gloves. My hands were so numb by the time i got home.
I am many things

but nobody can say i am not a dedicated mom.