What did he do? The psych doctor I mean.
It was a she.
My kid turned 18 in October, which means that he is to be transferred to the adult psych care from the kids equivalent here.
In June, he dot a comorbid dx, ADD, and was suggested Ritalin at the meeting we had. The kid wanted to think about it but instead of following the law and waiting for his decision and prescribing it when and if he said yes, the she-doctor simply initiated the paperwork for handing him over to the adult psych care.
When my kid had thought about it, which took a week plus the holidays happening in the summer, he wanted to try it but the adult care had no doctor's appointments to offer in several months--as it turned out, their doc quit and there ARE NO permanent docs around there right now. The kids psych care wanted no part of it, OTOH, because he would be an adult in short order, giving some pathetic excuses to that effect.
So we complained to the she-doctor's boss because she is bound by law to remain his doctor until a transfer has actually taken place and he gets the help he needs, so reluctantly she finally produced another appointment for us, after MONTHS of stalling. That appointment was yesterday.
When we arrived there, what happened was that instead of giving him a prescription and a new appointment for monitoring the meds for the first week, she handed over a postit note with an appointment with a doctor at the adult health care at the end of fucking January next year, saying that this was simply a closing meeting and she wouldn't be responsible for his medication now that he had a scheduled appointment. Which is breaking the law since a scheduled appointment does not equal a transfer.
And that's where I blew my top. It's her fucking responsibility until he's been admitted which can only happen after an evaluation. I told her what I thought of this whole thing and said I'd go to her boss again.
I'm making a formal complaint.