Licenses, kit? why would a dog need a license?
I've got out of bed, although I couldn't sleep a wink last night

Went to see my doc, got my fresh rx, went home, shot 3 oxycontin, got some mail I was expecting via next day special delivery, and then vaporized 6-7mg of the 1-[(N-methylpiperidin-2-yl)methyl]-3-(2-iodobenzoyl)indole that arrived in the post.
Ate some cold roast chicken, then cooked up a shot of OC, had half of it, dissolving a 1mg etizolam pill sublingually, just finished that, about to go satisfy my munchy craving with a huge bowl of cornflakes, washed down with cherry vimto. Going to vape a bit more AM-2233 in my DMT/meth pipe first though, that way food will be a ton more satisfying xD, and I still have the last of my pre-made oxy shot ready to go...which is fortunate because my hip is fucking killing me. A am so, SO glad I have the doc I do, just got him booking me a physiotherapy consult with a specialist, and I'll have an appointment with the pain clinic next month
Hopefully they be less conservative than regular GPs and finally get me something that works fully
as I am fucking fed up of my knee and hip being so damn sore all the time. I shouldn't HAVE to pay for my own analgesia on top of my meds-that should be a treat, not something I'm stuck with.
I'm currently-sat on a computer chair stacked with many pillows, but eating a big tub of triple chocolate ripple ice cream. I normally really prefer cherry vanilla ripple, there wasn't any, else I would have gone for that out of habit, but this is exactly what the dr ordered to satisfy my munchies. Although the three bowls of cornflakes I just ate helped fill a hole alright. hip pain has subsided greatly now after taking nobbut ice cream. This is some good shit, and I don't mean only the AM-2233.
Also looking for spare loose change to go and buy candy, and going to have a rollup, and hit the glass pipe again
Second thoughts...I've just fitted a fresh, clean pipe screen to the smaller of my 2 shotgun pipes, I think a direct flame might be just fine.