You got your latin wrong there lit. Mind...yes, nothing wrong with there. But on the other I say, you got the wording wrong. But I Don't know the latin for 'crowbegotten well twatting bloody mother of fuck fucked'
And thats just my hip:P Fed up with it.
What have I done today?...
Didn't sleep all night for one, but on the other hand, I did have a nice ( least...there are nice things contained in it) healthy cup of breakfast tea this morning;) along with my leftover slices of pizza. Almost forgot to light the gas though on the oven top. Filling the kitchen with JUST enough gas to smell clearly of whatever variety of alkanethiol the gas companies add to give the otherwise scentless natural gas adequate warning properties, as I came down to check it 2-3 minutes later, probably less,
That set me up pretty well for the day.
Had a fag..rinse and repeat...etc...
Got my mail, FINALLY! a package came today that I've been waiting for bloody ages. JUST had time to shoot up an OC before my driving instructor got here. Just as well too. As it was, he wasn't too thrilled about some less than polite words in four different languages, but thats better than howls of pain, or getting fed up of it and taking it out on the nearest pedestrian that happens to be nobody I know and care about