They have been happening for many years, cumberdale. And the only experimental drugs I ever IV, are all, pharmacologically speaking and SAR wise, they are all in the same family, arylcyclohexylamine NMDA antagonists, although some also possess moderate opioid agonist activity at mu receptors and in certain cases, possibly ORL1 (nociceptin) type opioid receptors. NMDA antagonists, as well, as in general, antagonism at ionotropic glutamate receptors of other subtypes, has been noted in the literature to have anticonvulsant properties, and I have only ever had a seizure twice, while using the dissociatives.
On the other had, myoclonic jerking, muscle spasms and localized muscle fasciculations daily otherwise, unless I take the med I'm on that suppresses (nor)adrenaline release. I saw a neurologist, some years ago, which involved an overnight hospital stay, stayed there IIRC
for two days, only to see him briefly for a few minutes the second day, after which he buggered off until the next day, came to see me for less than five minutes, only to tell me it was a tic. Which it isn't.
No luck with spybot in cleaning my computer. I downloaded the latest version of avast antivirus, it identified a rootkit, then couldn't remove it. Now its locked in a never-progressing, unstoppable scan which I will likely have to reboot to get out of.
Recommend any other antivirus programs, anybody? Hijackthis and malwarebytes won't run at all, and I've had problems with avira.