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What have you done today? (Pt 2)

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Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Phallacy on September 20, 2024, 05:55:10 PM ---I finally decided to check in after however many years. Yep, I'm still around, somehow, still being a fat piece of shit.

Got into THC and bike riding sometime after the pandemic.

I've been in a long-term relationship for a couple years. Expecting to go over to Hungary late next month to see my beloved. Was nice when I went last year.

Also I'm hoping Trump loses again.

That's about it. Good to see this place is still around.  :thumbup:

--- End quote ---


rock hound:
got up, ate breakfast, did laundry and dishes, now sitting at the pooter to catch up after a week without it due to vacation.

Gopher Gary:
I did my Saturday housework. Now everything is all clean and stocked and paid. :hadron:

rock hound:
Some major housekeeping.

I woke up, was at work until 3:30pm, had an early supper, now I'm getting ready for my appointment.


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