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What have you done today? (Pt 2)

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Went to the gym, had my ophthalmologist appointment, went to Bunnings with Kayleigh asking if I knew where I was going along the way. Of course I knew. Stopped at the 7/11 for lunch like we do every Tuesday. Went to the chemist for meds and then home.

Rang my mum, we had a quick chat. Filled out an invoice for work, went to work, came home, watched a few episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy while having dinner, shower then bed.

Made myself some lunch, about to get out of the house to get ready for an appointment.

Gopher Gary:
Yesterday I grocery shopped and today I did my Saturday housework. :hadron:

Gopher Gary:
I deep cleaned the oven. It stays pretty clean so I usually just scrub it with dishsoap each Saturday, but it was starting to need more attention than that, so today I used oven cleaner. Then I went around the house with a magic eraser and paint pen touching up all the tiny smudges and specks, and wiped down the doors and door molding trim. :hadron:

Wanting to get home :(


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