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What have you done today? (Pt 2)

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rock hound:
Shoveled a lot of wet heavy snow.

About to go for a walk

Went to my first rummage sale in probably 5 years. Between covid shutting stuff down and being broke as fuck, I stopped going. Still broke as fuck, but I passed it this morning and said WTH. No one there, spent a whole $15, and I had fun.  :zoinks:

Got a new phone... need to deactivate the other one

Today I went to "ASD Expressed". There were 5 of us there, all female. It was in a room off to the side of the library. We had two topics to talk about for three minutes each. First topic was anxiety and the second topic was being out of our comfort zones. I was the only one who didn't make the three minutes before I was done talking. After that we had a break and we just talked about all kinds of things. Then we played a game with two tiny rubber pigs. We rolled them like dice and the way they ended up gave us a certain amount of points. I lost every time it was my turn. We cheered for the person who won then it was time to go. I had a good time but the next meeting isn't until June.


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