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What have you done today? (Pt 2)

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^Yoshi threw up earlier... it's not so bad cleaning up after him, it's just hard to clean up when his vomit dries up.

Wrote an extended abstract for a conference I want to present for in June.


--- Quote from: odeon on March 29, 2024, 02:58:34 PM ---Wrote an extended abstract for a conference I want to present for in June.

--- End quote ---
When I was at uni I used to write my abstracts last and it would take me 10 minutes at the most. I don't think they ever got marked other than that they were there.

This was yesterday, but I finally finished scrubbing the bathroom floor.  So that's the toilet and bathroom done. Next is the laundry. I don't think I'll tackle the whole thing at once.

Cleaned the cages, now I just need to bury Agatha (make the gravesite, bury her, pray and saying my goodbyes)


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