That's nuts. 
So are bids ordered in terms of time received and not amount? I thought it was set up where the sellers would gather bids as long as they could get away with in the terms of the bids and then go with the highest?
The amount is paramount.
Today I've spent my peaceful fall morning going back through everything with the bank and our realtor.
I was enjoying my bird feeding stations with coffee, until open of business. Now I feel like

We have our hearts set on ONE place, today. It will be decided on Thursday, by the property angels. At least now I can offer substantially more (almost double - hope its enough) than when we first saw this house.
We've seen a few OK houses, but only very few which I would consider to be ""MOVE IN READY""
My agent tells me that I am competing with at least ninety, nationwide large land grabbers just looking to make a few bucks on what ever comes on the market.
We just need a place to live next year.
.,... and so