If I was a cat, I'd look an awful lot like this.
That's a Devon, right? My friend had one, R.I.P. Moose.
No, I'm pretty sure it's a Sphynx. The Devon has short hair.
Edit - You may be not far off the mark:
In 2010, DNA analysis confirmed that Sphynx hairlessness was produced by an allele of the same gene that produces the
Devon Rex (re), with the Sphynx allele being incompletely dominant over the Devon allele and both recessive to the wild type. However a different genetic symbol (hr) is given to the Sphynx gene and it is more likely that these are different genes interacting with each other. The only allowable outcross breeds in the CFA are now the American Shorthair and Domestic Shorthair. Other associations may vary and the Russian Blue is a permitted outcross in the GCCF. In Europe, mainly Devon Rex has been used for outcrosses.