Dunno if this is the same thing as what you are saying, but it seems to me the powers that be are knocking themselves out to denounce this species of dog "chupacabra" on the basis that there seems to be a bit of mythology around it. Instead they want to call these similar looking creatures "coyotes" or "coyotes with mange" makes no sense
well, wherever personal emotion gets mixed into science:
i dont want this to exist
i _really_ want this to exist
ew, i dont like that color, i want it to have another color etc.
i saw that about the "chupacabra", i think all "cryptobeings" should earn its share of investigation, under a common-sense light.
chupacabra exists, because its a small dog. small dogs exist.
"yeti" might exist, because its a primate. primates exist. its not "a mythical creature", but a _population_ of primates. i argued that here, and _someone_ told me all kinds of counter arguments "primates do NOT exist!!!!! no animals can survive mountain air

" but if we just brush all the "MAGIC" away, we are left with: dogs, cats and primates. these are beings that do indeed exist.
"nessie" does not exist. all evidence talks against it. motobe-m'bembe-umbukamba-lambombo-n'gungu oir what the fuck that congolese brontosaur is called - does not exist. instead, elephants exist in the jungle.
amazonian indians always spoke of a big black cat.
scientists went "oh you silly faggots, theres no such thiiing as cats! you saw a black panther! LOOOL"
the indians of course go "we. KNOW. what black panthers are. WE LIVE HERE YOU KNOW!!!"
finally, the indians delivered a pelt, and a skull.
and the description of a _brand new species of big cat_ is actually in the works, along with several other never before described specimens of animal.
always follow a "golden middle path"
Golden middle path: cats and dogs exist, even species as of yet unknown.