The though of you watching his videos is a little funny.
Actually, I never have watched them. And never will. Just the fact that the idiot posted them on the net gives him as much credibility as GWB at a peace conference.
I don't believe you. I bet you have them all saved to your hard drive, with your favourite screenshot as your desktop wallpaper 
Believe what you want. It's not as if I give a shit.
Of course. You're not exactly the type to let anything that's said on the internet bother you.
What's got up your nose about BIG FUCKING PETER jokes anyway?
Don't like 'em?
Don't read them.
It's pretty hard not to read "them." You have spread the exact same non-joke around half the threads on this forum.
I do make a bit of an effort to avoid your posts, because they mostly just involve you fixating on penises, or a pointless youtube clip when you can't think of anything to say, but feel the need to say something anyway.
It is impossible to fully ignore your "humour." Even if I don't read your new posts, I will read other peoples new posts, and then see your posts above them.
Why don't you start a new thread where you can fixate on cock until your heart's content. You could just post "Big fucking Peter" over and over again.
OK, truth is Steve, I'm finding you annoying at the moment. You really are the equivalent of Penty typing "Balls of steel" over and over again in different fonts and sizes.
You spoke earlier about needing "new material." Forget new material. You're not a comedian. You're not even funny.
Instead of trying to be "funny" all the time, why not just be yourself, and save making "jokes" for when you actually have something funny to say.