
Author Topic: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik  (Read 1027 times)

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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2011, 06:56:20 PM »
I bet if he committed those mass-murders in the USA, he would have been long dead by now. :orly:
He would be awaiting trial for 2 to 4 years. Then, if he got the death penalty, he would have one appeal after another for 20 years.

Usually, yes, but look how long it took to put Timmothy McVeigh to death. What was it, like 4 years or something??
It was quick in that case just like it was for Gary Gilmore and Wesley Dodd, because none of them were desperately trying to not get executed. McVeigh just dropped all appeals. It is that ratio of endless appeals versus people voluntarily waiving appeals that causes me to believe that convicted murderers prefer life in Lewisburg, Florence etc over being killed.

Bragging rights, as well. They want to crap on to anyone who'll listen how badass they are, while at the same time saying "I didn't do it massa".
Actually they all 3 owned up to their crimes TCO.


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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2011, 07:15:15 PM »
I bet if he committed those mass-murders in the USA, he would have been long dead by now. :orly:
He would be awaiting trial for 2 to 4 years. Then, if he got the death penalty, he would have one appeal after another for 20 years.

Usually, yes, but look how long it took to put Timmothy McVeigh to death. What was it, like 4 years or something??
It was quick in that case just like it was for Gary Gilmore and Wesley Dodd, because none of them were desperately trying to not get executed. McVeigh just dropped all appeals. It is that ratio of endless appeals versus people voluntarily waiving appeals that causes me to believe that convicted murderers prefer life in Lewisburg, Florence etc over being killed.

Bragging rights, as well. They want to crap on to anyone who'll listen how badass they are, while at the same time saying "I didn't do it massa".
Actually they all 3 owned up to their crimes TCO.

Oh, OK.

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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2011, 09:59:59 PM »
From what I understand, there are certain types of criminals (pedophiles, serial murderers, mass murderers, serial rapists, etc.) who cannot be rehabilitated.  IMO these people should never be let out even if they committed the crime as a juvenile.  Harsh, but society needs to be protected.  So, keep Breivik's ass in jail, along with the rest of him.
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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2011, 07:36:04 AM »
Unscaleable pit inhabited by two half starved feral pigs. Push them in. End of problem. No huge tax payers drain to keep arseholes in jail.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2011, 08:00:33 AM »
He should be rehabilitated with a baseball bat.
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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2011, 09:35:40 AM »
I'm a total retard , so is Breivik the cunt who shot all those kids?

if so.... hang the twat.

(that's all I can say coherently in my current state)

Yes he is and I agree that he should be hanged for what he did so the bleeding hearts won't ever decide that he's rehabilitated and let him out to do it again.

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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2011, 09:54:43 AM »
I think the main reason they are releasing Breivik is so that the news media gets more ratings, by inciting controversy and more potential news stories of his mass murders.

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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2011, 10:42:59 AM »
I think the main reason they are releasing Breivik is so that the news media gets more ratings, by inciting controversy and more potential news stories of his mass murders.

Good point.  I don't think that they are actually releasing him at this point, though.  Some bleeding hearts are just talking about releasing him at some point.  I would have been OK with life in prison with no parole, thereby making certain that he never leaves prison but if there are people naive enough to let him go, then I think that he needs to die.

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Theyre allready wussing out, concerning Breivik
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2011, 12:21:05 PM »
I think the main reason they are releasing Breivik is so that the news media gets more ratings, by inciting controversy and more potential news stories of his mass murders.

Good point.  I don't think that they are actually releasing him at this point, though.  Some bleeding hearts are just talking about releasing him at some point.  I would have been OK with life in prison with no parole, thereby making certain that he never leaves prison but if there are people naive enough to let him go, then I think that he needs to die.

i really hope the actual judges (who are, well, tough sonsabitches) will look past all the bleeding-heart-ness, and give him the sentence everyone talked about while we were still rattled by it (effective life in prison)

this guy has admitted - in detail - how he intends to continue as soon as he is released, hell he even admits having plans to start prison riots. he is actually "upset" (aww) that he is held in isolation, precisely cus he wants to incite riots. he says this himself :S
"but i WANNA incite riots and a race war :'( ITS UNFAIR!!!"
and STILL there is such... intense naiveness in this country...

the naiveness is quite impressive. idunno if i mentioned, but some months ago a friend of mine witnessed a shooting, a chase, and shots fired, a man fell on the ground, rolled around, got up, and kept running for his life. nobody called the police. he himself didnt, he was just freaked out, and went back inside. but nobody here reacts to bangs or anything, we simply do not comprehend seriousness when it hits us in the face. i never heard about the shooting on the news, and i can only assume they got clean away with it.

another, even better example, is the Nokas robbery, where the robbers emptied several automatic rifle magazines against the bank window, without a single civilian calling police (tremendously loud machinegunfire did nothing to rattle people. bank employees did hit the alarm, so... at least theres that... ), not only that:
but when cops and robbers begun shooting at each others, IN THE STREET, full firefight, automatic fire from machine pistols and rifles, civilians strolled RIGHT into the crossfire "lalala!", with their minds _locked_ on the assumption that this couldnt possibly be real - so much so, that they walked right into the deadly shooting. its a miracle nobody was shot. one civilian was taken hostage during the shooting - and he admitted later - he refused to believe the situation was real even when taken hostage. the robbers asked him if he could see a bullet hole (one of the robbers was shot in the ass), he still didnt believe it was real. incoming fire hit the car they were hiding behind, and they were cursing, wondering where the fire was coming from - and he still didnt believe it was real, he was even joking with them.

we're so fucking fucked :D
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 12:24:04 PM by ZEGH8578 »