I think China is the largest threat to the world today. Not necessarily in its militaristic power or weaponry, but in its economic prowess and size. Not to mention that they will do anything to advance it, including killing its own citizens or work them like slaves. Not to mention the underhanded large corporations of the world that are prepared to throw the economy of their own respective countries under the bus just to increase their profit margins, by having their product manufacturing and support outsourced to China (and nearby nations).
You're not just saying that because your country owes China shitloads of money? 
That's no problem since they are just printing more money to pay China back, but I would be very pissed off if I were China being paid back with dollars worth significantly less than the ones that were lent.
I think that the one child per family plan sucks and I wonder what China is going to do when soon there are many more elderly people than young people supporting them.
I don't agree with the family plan but I sort of understand why they have it. The population is growing too fast and will cause problems a lot worse than the number of elderly people around.
Would the US simply print more money to pay China with?
It's actually a little bit more complicated than that, but yes, the US has essentially simply printed money. They call it quantitiative easing, but that's what it amounts to and I think that the President of China, Hu Jintao, came to the US to discuss this with President Obama because it means that the money they are repaid with is worth less than the money they lent.
I s'pose Obama could have used the old 'exchange rates' excuse on the Chinese Pres saying that when the US lent the money it was at a higher exchange rate than now. Depends how gullible the Chinese President is.
I didnt know it was called quantitiative easing, but I knew that the US did this for some time. I think at least back to when Ronald Regan was president. That is why inflation rates are ridiculous and the national debt is so high. Need money ? print more. Let them eat cake. If Obama met with someone about it recently, then it must be happening a lot more than before. This explain why the cost of food and housing is exploding in the last 5 or so years.
I know that after the first world war the German economy collapsed, and the price of a cost of eggs was similar to the cost of a house , meaning money had become worthless and communism was really the only way out of such a mess.
I wonder if the US will ever have to resort to complete communism, and not just the pseudo-socialist -capitalist system that is obviously collapsing