I didn't know you were a southern apologist. 
Can I go out on a limb and assume you don't take kindly to integration and sharing your bathrooms and water fountains and buses with blacks? Would you allow your daughter to date one? What word do you usually use in your head when thinking of black people?
And before you get started, I am really not Chair.
dont have anything against any human, regardless of color.
The separation of the races was done by my great great grandfather and his kin, not me.
I tell more white guys to get the fuck out of my face than anyone, and show respect for the blacks that I come into contact with. Thats all anyone can do is show respect for all.
All I can do is say history as I have learned it. Its irony I guess that I speak of the south with respect, being southern. As an Aspie I not only stand out, because of my genetic differences. But also because my politics is so the opposite that of my fellow southerners.
meh......dont draw me into your racist arguments. Been there, done that.
Chair? You act like you actually have some brains, couldnt be Chair.