Fucking armchair activists. Stop smoking weed and do it, if you really care that much.
this whole "get off your ass and do it yourself" thing is tired, lame and boring.
i want many things, but i cant "do it myself", for example:
i want starvation in somalia and ogaden to end.
"shut up, and go end starvation yourself, if you care so much!"
Why don't you send them some food? Better yet re route some boats there so they can ransom the crews.
which basically means:
everything you arent dealing with, yourself, right now, are matters you are not allowed to give a shit about.
If you
really cared you would go work for Bob Geldof instead of smoking pot and allowing losers like Schleed the opportunity to pick your posts apart.
if you want a raise, you should TAKE it, or simply stop wanting it.
Or switch companies and leave a turd in the boss' punch bowl on your way out.
(basically, schleed, and you know this as well as me: it boils down to your lack of opinion. this isnt the first time some simpleton tells me to stop worrying about stuff - or "get off my ass" and change it, ive been told to stop starvations, stop the afghanistan war, ive been told to re-plant rainforest, and repopulate whales. "ironically" 90% of these were fat americans. at least you arent american. but yes, it comes down to having an opinion, or not having it. i have opinions )
Good thing he is a fat Mick instead of a fat American. Otherwise you might get your knickers in a knot.