Author Topic: Welcome steadfast  (Read 9178 times)

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Offline Calavera

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #150 on: October 05, 2011, 02:32:01 AM »
I don't believe I was bashing my kids. It was anonymous and the possibility that they would see my posts is almost nonexistent. I never once told my kids that they were bad people. I always told them that I loved them and that I would never abandon them. I told them there was nothing they could do that would make me stop loving them. I will never do what my own parents did.

Honestly, I was thinking maybe I fucked it up and went too harsh on you and maybe I made a poor judgement of you projected from my perception of one of my own parents who gains pleasure talking about his kids. But then I read this and see how I'm not so far off.

You could've just said that you did bash your own daughter in public among random strangers and that it was wrong to do so, but you just justified this act by saying that it's anonymous anyway. You show no shame in having said something against your daughter.

I don't think you're a troll actually, but you're not the best parent. Good luck to you anyway.

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #151 on: October 05, 2011, 02:35:07 AM »
Steadfast--I do think you should tell your son that he is autistic. Most likely he'll know that he is different from others and knowing why can be a huge help. You cannot change being autistic but when you know what you have, you can avoid sensory overload and meltdowns, find coping strategies for autistic stuff you have problems with (could be anything from eye contact to all kinds of social stuff), and--perhaps above all--get help for any of the comorbids you might have.

I'm autistic but (probably as a result) I also have OCD and strong ADD tendencies, both of which I can manage with the help of medication and CBT.

I agree on telling.

Wish I had known about mine around 20. That would have made a big difference.

My oldest wanted to know what was different for her herself, when she was 9. She always knew, but then it had a name, an explanation, and there was advise on how to work around things that were nearly impossible for her.

Knowledge does help in this case.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #152 on: October 05, 2011, 02:41:50 AM »
Lots of people replying to this thread right now. I really am trying to wait around to read it all, but I must MUST go and masturbate furiously to homosexual pornography. back in 20 minutes. I hope I get at least one lol out of the replies.

Is that number 6 or 7 for this night?
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Calavera

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #153 on: October 05, 2011, 02:52:21 AM »
Midlife Aspie: You were neutral.

Squid Ink: You were neutral generally, but ...

PPK: You had no opinion of me.

Odeon: You were neutral.

Am I the only one who found this bit hilarious?

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #154 on: October 05, 2011, 03:06:14 AM »
I was left out. Boo hoo.


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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #155 on: October 05, 2011, 03:15:29 AM »
Damn, that was more like 40 minutes :S

Lots of people replying to this thread right now. I really am trying to wait around to read it all, but I must MUST go and masturbate furiously to homosexual pornography. back in 20 minutes. I hope I get at least one lol out of the replies.

Is that number 6 or 7 for this night?


Offline ProfessorFarnsworth

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #156 on: October 05, 2011, 03:18:04 AM »
You have to admit, it was quite a verbose exit. :toporly:
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.


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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #157 on: October 05, 2011, 03:27:55 AM »
You have to admit, it was quite a verbose exit. :toporly:

Definitely a Mechanised one.


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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #158 on: October 05, 2011, 03:28:53 AM »
You have to admit, it was quite a verbose exit. :toporly:

Definitely a Mechanised one.

Well if it proves anything, it is that steadfast is Chair.

Offline ProfessorFarnsworth

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #159 on: October 05, 2011, 03:30:32 AM »
You have to admit, it was quite a verbose exit. :toporly:

Definitely a Mechanised one.

Well if it proves anything, it is that steadfast is Chair.

But then, who was Table? :orly:
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.


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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #160 on: October 05, 2011, 03:32:41 AM »
You have to admit, it was quite a verbose exit. :toporly:

Definitely a Mechanised one.

Well if it proves anything, it is that steadfast is Chair.

But then, who was Table? :orly:


But I know what you are up to. You only said that because YOU are Chair and you wanted to take the heat off of that other Chair.  >:D

Offline ProfessorFarnsworth

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #161 on: October 05, 2011, 03:42:16 AM »
What are you playing at? Oh I see, you want my chair dooonnn't you? Well you're not getting it, no you're not... Take Stimpy's chair, that lazy asshole never sits on it. >:(
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #162 on: October 05, 2011, 04:14:51 AM »
I am a very curious person. These are some of the questions I was going to ask:
1. How did you find out about your autism? How old were you? 30
2. Before you were told, did you think you were any different from anyone else? Yes
3. How did knowing about it change your behavior? Did you ever use your diagnosis as an excuse instead of trying to conform? No it doesn't make it any easier for you and conforming is what everyone has to do in society. It makes you accept yourself and not hate yourself for being what you are and an understanding of why you are what you are.
4. What do you think about the vaccine theory? (I know it isn't true in my son's case) It is a lie spread for people wanting to buy in to a fix and a blame
5. When you meet people, how soon do you tell them about it? (I know that most diabetics keep their disease secret) Generally never. Some close friends do know and that is it. No one else's business and itis not that I want to be acknowledged as different or see a need to have people treat me differently, much less inferior, because of it
6. If no one had told you about your autism, do you think you would have figured it out by now due to the publicity the syndrome has gotten in recent times? Probably not.
7. Does it bother you when they have autistic characters in TV and movies because of the stereotyping? Does that kid on Alphas bother you? No i guess I have not really seen any and have no idea what Alphas is.
8. Has having autism affected your ability to get a job? Yes and no. Now I don't list it as an existing condition that may affect my job, no worries :)
9. What would you say to an autistic person who didn't realize that he was offending people by the way he was speaking to them? Simple. Logicall and not emotionally explain the situation.
10. What do you think about those people who claim to have cured people of autism? a word
11. Now that you are grown, do you have any insights that would help other parents in how to teach correct behaviors to their autistic children? Yes I have an autistic son and much of what you woul seek to pass on as a parent does not change. Have pride in your kids , teach them right from wrong, teach them responsibilitya nd praise them for what they do right, expect to be patient and wise and a source of fallback for them, Most of all do not expect them to "be" NT they aren't
12. What is WP? Is it a site I would be interested in? Probably. It is a shitty site run in a shitty way with shitty mods and a shiity admin. There are plenty of shitty members whining incessenatly over shitty things. The only really good thing is that there are plenty of people on the spectrum there and therefore you may be able to pick out gems of people and advice there so long as you are not frustrated by the shiitiness an dtry to address this.
13. On another forum they were discussing a study about atheism that postulated that autistic people were more likely to be atheist than the general population. Is this true? If so, why? I think that many Autistic people have a deeprooted hold on logic and rationality and taking a leap of faith is at best difficult. That said i think that Autistics will follow mostly what they have been taught to hold as truth and rational irrespectively and deep seeded beliefs are hard to foist off, regardless.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #163 on: October 05, 2011, 08:03:50 AM »
I am a very curious person. These are some of the questions I was going to ask:
1. How did you find out about your autism? How old were you?
2. Before you were told, did you think you were any different from anyone else?
3. How did knowing about it change your behavior? Did you ever use your diagnosis as an excuse instead of trying to conform?
4. What do you think about the vaccine theory? (I know it isn't true in my son's case)
5. When you meet people, how soon do you tell them about it? (I know that most diabetics keep their disease secret)
6. If no one had told you about your autism, do you think you would have figured it out by now due to the publicity the syndrome has gotten in recent times?
7. Does it bother you when they have autistic characters in TV and movies because of the stereotyping? Does that kid on Alphas bother you?
8. Has having autism affected your ability to get a job?
9. What would you say to an autistic person who didn't realize that he was offending people by the way he was speaking to them?
10. What do you think about those people who claim to have cured people of autism?
11. Now that you are grown, do you have any insights that would help other parents in how to teach correct behaviors to their autistic children?
12. What is WP? Is it a site I would be interested in?
13. On another forum they were discussing a study about atheism that postulated that autistic people were more likely to be atheist than the general population. Is this true? If so, why?

I think you are still missing the part where this isn't a support forum.  We don't tend to get touchy feely and answer personal questions posed to us by strangers, just like IRL.


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Re: Welcome steadfast
« Reply #164 on: October 05, 2011, 08:06:19 AM »
Oops, spoke too soon.  I didn't account for our most touchy-feely member  :zoinks: