Author Topic: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?  (Read 10134 times)

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #195 on: March 26, 2018, 01:16:10 AM »
I don't think its racist to not want to date outside your own race, if you are only attracted to your own race. I'm only attracted to other white people, its not because I see something else and think 'dirty *insert racial slur here*, its just that the attraction isn't there. If a girl is white, ideally very, very pale in skin tone and either (preferably) autie, or else aspie or Rett's, then they've got a chance. Otherwise, no. Call me picky if you want, sure, but racist is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

As for contacts, I'd go full on Marilyn Manson if it wasn't for the rather nasty experience I had with contacts once. I had to dig one out of my eye with the toothpick in my knife. Not the nicest thing I've ever had to do, and an experience I really don't want to repeat. Its a bitch, because I'd rather like to be able to change my eyes at will. Its just the potential to get one stuck in my eye, little fucker got trapped up going behind my eye, and it was bloody difficult to remove it. Thought I might end up having to go to a hospital to have it removed, but I got lucky with the toothpick and a mirror.
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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #196 on: March 26, 2018, 11:18:56 AM »
There is a technique to removing trapped contact lenses, I can manage to get them out in about a few seconds.

As for coloured contacts, I would totally wear them if the prescription ones fitted my eyes properly. The base curve is 0.1 too much and they hurt my eyes. The only other option would be to wear them with glasses, but that would suck.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #197 on: March 26, 2018, 11:37:15 AM »
Well it was a bit of an emergency measure at the time. I couldn't SEE too well, for one, and I was in acute pain. It had to come out, and it had to come out (from that time point of view) NOW!!.

You don't think I'd have used one of those sharp plastic toothpicks that are included in the side of some of the high-end swiss army knives opposite what in every case, are THE worlds worst, most gigantic piece'o'shite excuse for a pair of tweezers to physically dig a contact lens out of my eyeball do you? :P the damn thing had actually buried itself into my eyeball like a splinter. It hurt, badly, and I was in a hurry, with no time to fuck about trying to look up methods of removing the thing. It had gone from the front of my eye to moving up and to the back of my eye  where it was only just visible from my other eye, so I had to stick the toothpick up and round the back of my eyeball then dig it out from the top. I could barely get to it at all, so time was of the essence, lest it go and get itself digging at my optic nerve, and doing serious damage.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #198 on: March 26, 2018, 07:35:31 PM »
It would have hurt a lot if it was stuck on the coloured part of your eye - nerve endings there.

I once had a contact fold over and go up behind my upper eyelid. I had to be very careful getting that out.
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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #199 on: March 26, 2018, 08:46:30 PM »
Ren my dear, you really do not need to tell me what parts of eyes hurt the most, what the worst things to get stuck in them are, or where there are nerve endings. (my vote goes to getting my cornea stuck in my eye, or whats left of a cornea after having it welded onto the rest of your eyeball and eyesocket for the record, followed by UV arc-eye a few days later. I'm pretty convinced that even had I floundered around the hospital with an belt-fed machinegun braced in one hand until I managed to grab a nurse and force-march her/him to each and every single CD lockup in the building and after taking a monster bolus initial IV dose of a mixture of whatever opioids felt most appealing at the time, dropping some bupivacaine in my eye and injecting some more around the regions of my face to perform a regional nerve block, then filling a pair of IV bags with a mixture of the most pleasing and the most potent as painkillers, then hanging one from each shoulder, right into my jugular before walking out with the rest of the hospital stock, plus a selection of general anaesthetics, that one would STILL have hurt like the fuckingest of motherfucking bastards from the most stygian of tartaruses with interest. Even out cold with enough to require a mechanical ventilator, that would still have hurt like a twat on toast)

Powder burn to the eye (and thats not forgetting the aluminium and magnesium oxides that go with flashpowder going off), plenty of random grit at random times in the eyes, a splinter once, chili in various incarnations. Accidentally got a trace of phenylacetone (P2P), and once of P2NP in my eye, plus being in and around gradually building acidic clouds that eventually made it through the little airholes that let one of my sets of goggles breathe, ammoniacal stenches that start to sting like a fucker eventually. And one contact lens. Although not all at the same time or in the same eye.

Yup, I know alright. Oh and a gunpowder backblast in the face from a DIY'ed grenade launcher as a kid where I'd somewhat....I guess you might say..overestimated..the propellant charge for the shell, although surprisingly that one wasn't as painful as you'd expect. I got kinda lucky in that respect, didn't need hospital treatment, I guess most of the hot vapors of the powder charge and the solids in the smoke were cooled and deflected by the vents in the rear of my launcher. Wasn't much fun though, and it didn't  half make me jump. (to say nothing of the sonic shockwave that came belting back the long tunnel it had been fired down that particular time, had just enough time, round about to yell several highly offensive terms of beohfuckingshittenment before the rest of said stream of horror, pain in the face and sudden shock got drowned out by the echoing backblast when the grenade detonated, a long way off but with a thump that knocked me sideways and left everything white, aside from my ears which it left ringing and my nose which it left...its best not described what it left my nose. Not all of it was powder, primer and nitroaromatics and what wasn't, as far as being spoken of, best isn't. But the moral of the tale is A-don't fire a grenade launcher down a tunnel when you don't know it only has one end and B-don't have the propellant charge too big in one of your homemade shells.

Although I suppose if I look on the bright side, at least it DID go off. Even if it was in my face from not very far off at all, sighting down the iron sights, because otherwise it'd be a torso typing this with a bent bit of rib poking out of the neckhole instead of a me typing it with my fingers.
(of which I still have my naturally allotted quota, somewhat surprisingly given the way I misspent my misspent  really early youth :autism:

(although the bits that didn't go awry in that direction WERE rather fun. Most kids knock conkers down from trees to battle with on strings. I used the grenade launcher. (to harvest the conkers, that is, not to take on the kids with their conkers on strings...that'd be just a teeny bit unfair..on the same level as whoever the first person to come up with the phrase 'the pen is mightier than the sword' was being to an awfully large number of seriously naive people facing murderous barbarians and general psychopaths, arseholes and thugs :autism: )

And the lens DID go over the iris, the bottom portion of it, ended up being the top bit and the top bit ended up being somewhere up and behind my eyeball. From whence I had to wiggle that toothpick around until I got the former top bit and manage to dig the thing underneath (thank fuck eyeballs are at least slightly squelchy :P)

I really don't recommend any of the above experiences.

Especially with your eyes Ren, they really are quite something afterall, very 'something' come to think of it, and the 'something' being a good sort of 'something' lest there remain any trace of doubt about it :) I'd say I'd be delighted to swap with you, if it wasn't for the fact you'd be getting second ra..err...bargain basement by now..goods. Or a good at least. Or a 'works better than the other shitty one' item of barter. I'd happily have the cute, but I wouldn't burden you with the  collection of blast injuries, powder-burns or pig-inflicted superheated corrosive alkali burns :spazz:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #200 on: March 27, 2018, 12:28:29 AM »
My eyes aren't the best but they're ok with glasses on. I'd rather not swap with you, you have damaged yours quite a bit!
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #201 on: March 27, 2018, 05:25:18 AM »
How are we defining racism?  If it's the modern definition of prejudice + [societal-level] power, I'd say that doesn't apply at the level of dating preferences.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #202 on: March 27, 2018, 07:07:14 AM »
How are we defining racism?  If it's the modern definition of prejudice + [societal-level] power, I'd say that doesn't apply at the level of dating preferences.


This definition is pure fiction.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #203 on: March 27, 2018, 08:12:57 AM »
Absolutely. Although to PMSelle's  credit she wasn't claiming it to be factual. She said 'society's definition'. And there are plenty of fruitcakes out there.

And since when did power have anything to do with racism, other than in the context of exercising force against a minority on grounds of race, such as with slavery?

And societal level anything doesn't really come into relationships, IMO, relationships in the sense being spoken of (as I understand it to be meant in this context) being at their very heart, interpersonal, not societal.)

And racist for a person to want something, unless the something is itself explicitly racist, such as 'person A wants all niggers to die', its not, and even if someone DOES, then they are entitled to want it, just not to go about seeing to it, or throwing it in the black folks' faces. What they THINK, is both private domain, as much as a right to privacy can be HAD, what people *think* is sacred in that respect. To act otherwise sets up that handbasket right at the top of one very slippery, stygian slope. Thought police. Nobody wants them, nobody in their right mind at any rate. And they'd change their tune pretty fucking fast if they got thought police, the moment they  find out they are on the list and taking top position.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #204 on: March 27, 2018, 05:38:34 PM »
So, if there was a different word being used for "societal-level power + prejudice," would you be more willing to acknowledge and discuss it?
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #205 on: March 27, 2018, 07:09:00 PM »
Saying "I don't want to date outside my own race" is a good way to appear borderline racist these days.

You might define your dating preferences in terms of physical characteristics if you want to appear less racist.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Lestat

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #206 on: March 27, 2018, 09:27:14 PM »
Well if I said the former, its at least more general than framing the exact same thing as 'I don't want to date any blacks, any  far-eastern/orientals, any latinos, any indian-ethnic area decendents and bloody definitely nothing thats arab.'

It doesn't mean 'I hate niggers, gooks, wetback cunts, pakis and camelfucking sand niggers' but 'I'm only attracted to other white people' sounds better IMO. Irrespective of what it MEANS. Well maybe on the camelfucking paedophile-worshippers from anywhere within about a half a continent of islamistan. Can't stand the fucking things. And I certainly wouldn't fuck one if they were the last primate creature with a vagina on the planet, even if they were autistic.

But as for the rest, I'm just not sexually attracted to blacks, hispanics, orientals etc. etc.

Some eastern europeans, although I'd not date a romanian, not with the lot we have in the UK. It ain't pretty, the romanian situation here. Criminal organized begging gangs, and the ones with houses (begged from the bloody council in the first place) send out kids to aggressively beg, or outright pickpocket, or both. We get the romanians that romania wouldn't shit on it seems. Never been there, but its either the case or else they have more of the ones nowhere else would shit on. Never seen a romanian that doesn't need to be thrown into a woodchipper feet first.

I'm attracted exclusively to white, female people who are either autie/aspie/Rett's. Anyone else, just doesn't push the right buttons to open to door marked 'attraction'. It just wouldn't be appealing to find myself in bed with someone outside said category.

Doesn't mean I'm racist. Just means I don't want to fuck someone who isn't a white, spesh girl. Ideally a really pale, kinda willowy looking gothy type and both speshul and special as well as being the type who absolutely throws off sparks fit to set the ground she walks on on fire. Like my former fiancee (younger of the two, although she was curvy rather than willowy, kinda short and with a distinctly 'different' sounding voice, the kind of...whats the word for it...not accent..not vocal tone, just that kinda spesh way of sounding that you can definitely tell. That was super-sexy the way she sounded, oh me oh my was it ever, especially when we'd shout out from opposite ends of the road, far from each other, calling each other's names as we went cannonballing into each other getting ready to brace for impact and spin round in each other's arms to ensure that conservation of momentum did not turn into a bone-crunching thump, and instead turned into orbital momentum and a mutual bone-crushing snuggle of an exhilarated fresh meeting. The special, especially important, as is speshul, and white. Not gothy, thats alright, although I find the goth girl look most attractive. My ex fiancee, she was definitely gothy and spesh and very, very, very special. And fiery? girl was a fucking blowtorch on a pair of pretty legs with a gorgeous head and face and smile and eyes on top with a wonderful brain behind them all.

But say, black, or arab and NT, gods no.

Hell most white women I wouldn't be all that inclined towards dating. There are only a very small few who I would be that attracted to. My ex fiancee to be back with her, that I'd definitely be up for, ain't many around like cazzie. I can only think of maybe 4. perhaps 5 women who are both non-asexual (not that I think anything less of people who are, indeed I admit, I find a lady who is, very fanciable. But at the same time, I'm not asexual so that would make things difficult in that respect. I could easily love the person, I really like her, but the price tag of living out the rest of my days celibate is extremely high, even for a truly stunning, pretty, very smart, and inasfar as I know her, funny lass; the others aren't asexual, and they are all people I would be willing to spend until my dying day with, grow old with, have kids with in all but one case (one physiologically cannot do so again)

So its more 'really, really, really short shortlist of candidates, as well as white and autistic and fiery, strong in personality' and that happens to be what I am attracted to. And I guess I could end up attracted to others like them if I did meet someone like these very special ladies. Although its a really quite variable bag in its own way, the people who ARE on the shortlist of 'spend the rest of my days with, have kids with' kind of 'fall for' potential. Or fallen, as the case might be.

One's 53-54 looks late 20s, one's mid 30s kanner's autie looks 12, two are autie activists, one HFA or autie and the other Rett's, and another is right in the middle, afaik around my age give or take, looks it although looking good too, aspie girl from WV, US, and of all things, xtian. And compared to me, thats the polar opposite. I'm about as atheistic, skeptical and purely science-driven in that sense as its possible to fucking get. And the funny thing is, we get on like a full bathtub and a kilo-brick of caesium metal, as people, and a matching one of rubidium best of friends, did the long distance thing in fact at one point, although given neither could afford to get to the other, it wasn't to be. But we are still the absolute best of friends and we always manage to cheer the other up if one of us is feeling less than chipper.

Were the bathtub available, you can bet there would be not just sparks flying, but one almighty great cloud of hydrogen evolved in an instant, followed by one synchronized, if with different ingredients kablooey. The sort of thing that would make for a 'sodium party' (as hobbyist chemists sometimes call events of the sort that involve social get togethers, a body of water and barrels of sodium metal, a lot of cackling, beer flowing and hilarity, punctuated by various entertaining and ingenious delivery-mechanisms to introduce alkali metals in large kegs, blocks, bricks, catapulted or thrown lumps to lots of H2O. )

[although I confess....a kilo of rubidium or caesium, or all the more so, a kilo of each, that'd be worth its weight in gold to most hobbyist chemists. Actually, while I haven't done the math, a kilogram of caesium, given the alkali metals are very, very low-density, lightweight metals, it might BE worth as much as or more than its weight in gold, and rubidium stands a chance too possibly, because either are a good many whole orders of magnitude more scarce, and more monetarily precious than are lithium, sodium or potassium, especially Na and K which there are plenty of to be mined as minerals, to be set free from their salts or hydroxides using electrolysis or electroless, metallothermic 'thermite style' reactions and some clever solvent tricks to free the metals from the slag of magnesium hydroxide)

As for appearing 'borderline' racist, if someone is THAT fussy as to kick up a fuss and judge ME for it as a racist would judge their own personal target race, then I don't care to spend my time on them.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #207 on: March 28, 2018, 07:19:10 AM »
You’re a dick sometimes Lestat.

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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #208 on: March 28, 2018, 09:06:52 AM »
Dry fuzzy textures make me feel like I'm choking when I touch them. Any type of hair that even looks like it feels like that is a hard limit for me.
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Re: Is it racist to not want to date outside of your race ?
« Reply #209 on: March 28, 2018, 03:26:19 PM »
So, if there was a different word being used for "societal-level power + prejudice," would you be more willing to acknowledge and discuss it?

No. The notion that all people of a particular skin color enjoy societal level power is, in and of itself, a racist notion.

The only laws on the books in the US that discriminate against people based on race, are aimed at discriminating against white people (affirmative action).