I will be spending Saturday battening down the hatches. Eye is supposed to go over or just past east of my work so just 35 miles from my house. Supposed to be weak category 2 or strong Category 1 as she goes through us. In-laws are in Virginia Beach and won't come here. Their house is on the Elizabeth River. The Navy pulled all their ships out. My base is on Level 1 Tropical Cyclone Alert. We spent today unplugging and covering everything up. Record rainfalls this month will lead to a lot downed trees. Hell, yesterday we had a massive storm unrelated to Irene bring 6" and 55 mph winds. Power was out all over. We happened to be on the right side of the grid outage. Moving westward will weaken her for NJ, NY, and all my online friends in CT, RI, and MA. Only expected to be Tropical Storm in the Northeast. Bunch of pussies! After surviving Andrew, I ain't worried. With Irene and the 5 eartquakes so far centered 23 miles from my house, plus last night's storm, people here all end of the world crazy.