Why exactly did you decide to TEXT me at 11:21pm the night before last, instead of sending me a message on here? If I had forgotten to put my cell on silent before going to sleep, I would have been completely fucking ripshit. As it is, I think that was rude, weird, and not OK.
Also, what the FUCK is up with randomly digging upnold shit and 'defending my honor,' or whatever the fuck you think you're doing? You know how much I value privacy and you're giving details about locations? You're not helping, you're acting weird and a little obsessive and it's reaching a point of creeepiness, you're making me uncomfortable, and I want you to lay the fuck off, and lose my number.
It's not creepy, and no one gave away your location.
If you wanted this private, why did you post it on a public message board ?
Because he already took it public, and I think that publically calling him out on his publically uncool behavior might be more likely to prevent it, at this point.
I'd have addressed the text privately if that had been the only issue. As it is, he decided to do what he did for all the bloody board to see, and I view the text now in part of a bigger context. I could get more into it, or not.
Callaway's guess in the peanut gallery is also correct; I've had someone stalk me in the past, including on this baord. Publically calling him out on doing so on this message board seemed to smack him down sufficiently to knock it off, at least on this venue. Trigger's apparent lack of boundaries and understanding of what I'd consider OK concerned me enough that I thought the same method might be warranted if it would produce similar results.