
Author Topic: Low Quality Trolling  (Read 10044 times)

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #60 on: August 22, 2011, 04:57:32 PM »
why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?

That's up to them, and I feel comfortable resting on my reputation.  Some will, some won't, I can probably even give you a list of who will fall on each side.  Does it really matter?  Do you feel you have a reputation to protect over here now?  After that hilarious display of protecting people from weak trolling and calling yourself some kind of expert, do you really think anyone respects you anyway?

Who cares?  But it's funny that you say I have "betrayed the trust" of people in your own defense.  I have, and I am not sure exactly what you are referring to, but if you are saying that I can't be trusted with what I am sharing because what I am sharing was told to me in private then aren't you actually proving me to be correct? ;)

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2011, 04:59:50 PM »
This true Dox? Do you come here and allow yourself to be welcomely accepted and interact with us. Yu become a trusted Elder and then you ....what tattletale?

Tell me it is not so.  :grrr:

If it is, you just lost a hell of a lot of respect right there.

Why would I care about things going on here when I'm rarely here?  More importantly, I was never an elder or had any sort of access here beyond what any person with 10 posts or so would have, so what could I have possibly seen that anybody was trying to hide?  I mean if I was trying to spy here, it would have made way more sense to play all the postwhoring games and become enmeshed in the community and gain further access rather than show up every few months and make a few posts.  Also, I knew MLA had to know that I'd been consulting with the mod team about PPR, so making this thread would have been suicidal if snitching was my intention.  Don't make waves, right?  This is actually my penance for not saying something last time that I thought some of you were off the reservation, I intended to take some lumps, but to make a point in the process.  You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2011, 05:01:45 PM »
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

I've noticed that about one or two others. They have Elder status, and very few posts. Weird.

I know they used to give out WC access more freely in the very beginning (I think I read that anyway)  ???

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #63 on: August 22, 2011, 05:02:35 PM »
if you are saying that I can't be trusted with what I am sharing because what I am sharing was told to me in private then aren't you actually proving me to be correct? ;)

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2011, 05:02:55 PM »
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here. 


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2011, 05:03:32 PM »
It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

You want to know something ironic?  I got my WP ban lifted because one of the then mods took something I said here to be threatening, and emailed me to ask if I was serious.  I told her no, I was just blowing off steam, but here's why I think you guys were wrong and why I'm that angry.  Got a conversation going that eventually helped me get back on there, I believe I've told some of the story here before. 
The upshot is that I came back to WP on decent terms with two of the mods, and when something came up in PPR I often acted as the offender's lawyer in a sense.  It got to where I'd sometimes get consulted about PPR and what was going on in there, and what I thought should be done about problems.  That's not something I went looking for, I was trying to work on the mods to allow more relaxed rules in PPR through PMs and they came to respect my take on the place.  I certainly never got anything personal out of it, let alone amnesty from anything, and I'd like to demand proof of that if you're going to stand behind your accusation.  I'll freely admit to talking with the mods about things that went on in PPR and what I thought was happening, but I wasn't giving them anything they couldn't see for themselves, just my take on it.  This rat thing though, you're going to have to do better than your word on it; why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?

Amazing. Getting a WP ban lifted. Hell, I can't even get a fucking word out of Plank or anyone about getting MY ban lifted, and I hardly did anything there. I mean, did you get down and cyber-suck Plank's dick, or Quaterfag's or Sins' (from what I've heard there was more testosterone there than Hulk Hogan).

Don't forget your 30 pieces of silver on your way out.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2011, 05:04:05 PM »
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

I've noticed that about one or two others. They have Elder status, and very few posts. Weird.

I know they used to give out WC access more freely in the very beginning (I think I read that anyway)  ???
That doesn't pertain to Dox. He registered here well after I did and it took 500 posts for me to get Elder status. Dox never was an Elder.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2011, 05:05:30 PM »
This true Dox? Do you come here and allow yourself to be welcomely accepted and interact with us. Yu become a trusted Elder and then you ....what tattletale?

Tell me it is not so.  :grrr:

If it is, you just lost a hell of a lot of respect right there.

Why would I care about things going on here when I'm rarely here?

Excellent question.  Why did you jump in here and try to start dictating to us how we should act on this board you are barely ever on?

  Also, I knew MLA had to know that I'd been consulting with the mod team about PPR, so making this thread would have been suicidal if snitching was my intention. 

There is really nobody left to snitch to

Don't make waves, right?  This is actually my penance for not saying something last time that I thought some of you were off the reservation, I intended to take some lumps, but to make a point in the process. 

Do you feel it is your responsibility to address injustice everywhere you see it online?  Are you some kind of internet superhero?  Do you really dress like that all the time?

You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.

Old news, and you still haven't addressed what exactly you are referring to.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2011, 05:11:10 PM »
look at your collective new best buddy

I just noticed this.  We all know what comes next, right?  Damn Aspie clique  :autism:

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2011, 05:12:31 PM »
His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.

Come on, give me a bit more credit than that; if I was here on a pretext do you really think I'd just come right out at it like this?  I'll admit to being a bit muddled here, on the one hand I do feel like what trolling I do see here is mostly pretty silly, and on the other I think there's a real disconnect going on between action, reaction and justification.  I do think what was done to 'keet was cruel and wrong, and I also think that what passes for trolling around here is usually pretty low grade.  One just sort of segued into the other, I'm just going where it takes me from here.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2011, 05:14:10 PM »
His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.

Come on, give me a bit more credit than that; if I was here on a pretext do you really think I'd just come right out at it like this?  I'll admit to being a bit muddled here, on the one hand I do feel like what trolling I do see here is mostly pretty silly, and on the other I think there's a real disconnect going on between action, reaction and justification.  I do think what was done to 'keet was cruel and wrong, and I also think that what passes for trolling around here is usually pretty low grade.  One just sort of segued into the other, I'm just going where it takes me from here.

It took you 11 minutes to write that?  C'mon and catch up


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2011, 05:16:41 PM »
His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.

Come on, give me a bit more credit than that; if I was here on a pretext do you really think I'd just come right out at it like this?  I'll admit to being a bit muddled here, on the one hand I do feel like what trolling I do see here is mostly pretty silly, and on the other I think there's a real disconnect going on between action, reaction and justification.  I do think what was done to 'keet was cruel and wrong, and I also think that what passes for trolling around here is usually pretty low grade.  One just sort of segued into the other, I'm just going where it takes me from here.

Again, you are confusing trolling and flaming.  I am flaming Iamabigfathomosexual.  Flaming is usually low grade, base humor done for my own entertainment, not his or anyone else's.  I'm new at this though, so I just do it my own way.  I don't have years of experience learning how to be an expert like yourself.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #72 on: August 22, 2011, 05:19:39 PM »
You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.

Old news, and you still haven't addressed what exactly you are referring to.

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2011, 05:20:23 PM »
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

You're taking this based on the word of the biggest turncoat of the all, the guy who vulnerable people turned to with problems, only to have him expose them to the world for mockery?  Yet I'm scum because I tried to help keep people from getting banned on WP... 
Come now, I'd at least expect the courtesy of allowing me to respond before making that sort of judgment.  And really, attacking my avatar pics again?  What was it, the Village People you said last time?  I like my mugshot pic, and yes, I made it look like that on purpose. 


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2011, 05:24:13 PM »
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

You're taking this based on the word of the biggest turncoat of the all, the guy who vulnerable people turned to with problems, only to have him expose them to the world for mockery?  Yet I'm scum because I tried to help keep people from getting banned on WP... 

The people here know me pretty well.  You don't.  They know what I did at WP, they know why I did it, they have already drawn their own conclusions about who I am and what I have done.  Coming in and calling me a "turncoat" is unlikely to change anyone's opinion, but best of luck to you.

To address a finer point for you though, you are confusing the job of internet moderator and therapist.  Nobody turned to me with their problems, pleading for my assistance and collected wisdom.  The job isn't as important as you seem to think it is.  Nobody's life was held in the balance.