
Author Topic: Low Quality Trolling  (Read 10062 times)

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Offline Phallacy

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #45 on: August 22, 2011, 09:47:25 AM »
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

I tried TinEye, but it found nothing. It must be Dox's own ugly mug, which kind of looks like late pro wrestling legend Eddie Guerrero. :orly:


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2011, 09:50:43 AM »
HA ! It does kinda look like him

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2011, 12:49:30 PM »
The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green,


It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:
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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2011, 12:50:15 PM »
You would think he would have a better argument before starting this thread. I mean, at least think about it for a second.

So, if I read correctly ( just skimmed actually ) We should not pick on an aspie, Thats just not right ! Unless they are an aspie in green letters, and then only if you are clever about it. We should not laugh at aspies, unless we are in a forum where that isnt allowed and then we should do it in a sneaky way. But not to aspies, cause that isnt fair- only to aspies.

That's how I read it too.
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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2011, 01:50:09 PM »
Dox take your self-righteous bullshit and take your backstabbing arse out of here.
Then put your gun collection to good use. :kapow:

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2011, 03:52:55 PM »
Hi Dox. Seems strange to complain now about what happened months ago. Though it was a bit shit too, but felt more sorry for his wife, though chose to say so at the appropriate time. Maybe would have had more meaning if you had done the same. Seems parakeet is being attacked for his views, which to me is more acceptable than attacking people for how they are born. That said, hope he sticks around. You should participate more often too.

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2011, 03:55:56 PM »
When I was making the profiles, you where one of the people who convinced me I had gone too far. You were right, and I had respect for you.

Now you are still going on about it, and you appear butthurt and whiney.

Ive chosen not to be mean to VDthis time. If others choose to be mean, then that is their choice.

Last time, your white knight act may have had some justification. Now its way more pathetic than the worst trolling.

Actually, I was very angry at the time about that, but like I said I didn't want to get involved in other peoples drama and so mostly held my tongue.  I just happened to be browsing PPR and spotted MLA's link and saw an opportunity to speak on something that had been bugging me before.  I'm glad you listened to reason on the fake profiles, but I didn't care for the continued justifications about putting them up in the first place.  It's an interest of mine, people doing bad things for what they think are the right reasons, in this case vigilante bullying.  It's especially bad considering the bullying that so many Aspies complain about, let alone gay aspies.  People need to be seen as an end unto themselves, not a means to something else.
Also, the profiles themselves must have taken quite a bit of time and effort, the blending of actual details with the subtle innuendo was actually quite good, which said to me that the person doing them was very passionate about it and not without talent.  That was also what made them actually damaging of course, it would be harder to deny than something that was way over the top.  Let's just say I admired the technique while at the same time being angered by the harm being done and the "reason" behind it.

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2011, 04:01:24 PM »
Gun pointing avatars were supposedly against the rules because they were possibly threatening/intimidating/unnerving to other members.

So you pretty much waved your loaded pistol around in sin's face in order to keep it? ???
You have to remember that the rules seem to mean whatever a particular mod wants them to at any given time.  I can't really explain why I was allowed to use the avatars I was, I argued with different mods about it at different times and was apparently successful.  Don't worry, I'll get to MLAs accusation soon enough, but remember that all the avatar drama was happening before I got banned, up to which point the only contact I'd ever had with a mod was in open forums.

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2011, 04:04:57 PM »
And pick a side, k ? I mean should we NOT troll him or troll him BETTER.

Better trolls would not have picked such an easy target, and further would not have used such cliched and juvenile ways of doing it.  Butterflys at least showed some skill, though I remain convinced that doing that to 'keet was total overkill, like sandblasting a soupcracker.  See, it's perfectly consistent.

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2011, 04:07:14 PM »
You are fucking hilarious.  As an Aspie you take offense to Aspies being mean to Aspies because your empathy for the guy is just so strong.  If you want to defend the guy because you have a thing for him, just say so.  You don't need to hide it behind several layers of bullshit excuses, it takes all kinds and we are the last group to give you shit for your sexual preferences, though you might get a little for your taste in men.

Dude, you've seen 'keets pictures, he's so not my type. 

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2011, 04:14:07 PM »
So, were you a snitch or not? Is it back to the USSSR when you've logged out here?
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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2011, 04:40:32 PM »
So, were you a snitch or not? Is it back to the USSSR when you've logged out here?

No immediate denial.  Probably best to try and determine just what I might know before responding in a way that is easily dis-proven.  I'll simplify it for you - I know everything.  I have read every single page of the moderator logs.  If it happened between the time you joined and the time I quit, I have read about it.  I have also had conversations with 2 separate moderators who were there before I joined about their personal interactions with you in this regard.  They were both defending you and training me on how to give you extra leeway because of your contributions. 

To better explain just how much respect the WP mods had for you, one of them actually argued that you should have veto authority on new moderators.  I find it hilarious that you come in here acting like a bad-ass and trashing the mods that you had such a tight relationship with.  It's pretty obvious that you were putting across a persona in an attempt to gain information from disaffected WP members.

Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2011, 04:46:17 PM »
It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

You want to know something ironic?  I got my WP ban lifted because one of the then mods took something I said here to be threatening, and emailed me to ask if I was serious.  I told her no, I was just blowing off steam, but here's why I think you guys were wrong and why I'm that angry.  Got a conversation going that eventually helped me get back on there, I believe I've told some of the story here before. 
The upshot is that I came back to WP on decent terms with two of the mods, and when something came up in PPR I often acted as the offender's lawyer in a sense.  It got to where I'd sometimes get consulted about PPR and what was going on in there, and what I thought should be done about problems.  That's not something I went looking for, I was trying to work on the mods to allow more relaxed rules in PPR through PMs and they came to respect my take on the place.  I certainly never got anything personal out of it, let alone amnesty from anything, and I'd like to demand proof of that if you're going to stand behind your accusation.  I'll freely admit to talking with the mods about things that went on in PPR and what I thought was happening, but I wasn't giving them anything they couldn't see for themselves, just my take on it.  This rat thing though, you're going to have to do better than your word on it; why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2011, 04:50:07 PM »
I have no proof as I didn't copy the mod logs nor did I ask anyone to put anything in writing for future debate as I hardly gave a shit.  I was one of the moderators there, that's all I can offer.  The members here will have to decide who they believe on their own.


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Re: Low Quality Trolling
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2011, 04:52:32 PM »
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

I've noticed that about one or two others. They have Elder status, and very few posts. Weird.