happy birthday you old fuck !!! 

but just think about it for a minute. Brad is even older than us by a few years. I mean, this is his WHOLE LIFE. Remember years ago, right before the official shut down and this same thing pretty much happened ? It will collapse on itself. Always does. It is people like circles and gab that will eventually tear it apart. Work on them. and EVERY CHANCE YOU GET remind him about when Celibate beat him up 
Or there will be another Bedslam open up. Lets hope that happens
Brad forgets this isnt the old board, and the people with the real "power" or whatever, are the 15 year olds that want to talk constantly about Manson. It wanst like that years go. So, get all the little Mansonites on your side, and work on circles.
Or just get permabanned and hang out over here all the time like me ;P
heh, i know that, and i tried to tell caligula. i went into the chat, which is still open, and asked him about just that.
but they wont get banned, cus caligula is a friend of lydia, and lydia is in on it, and by that i mean completely in on it. i spied on them in chat, under another name. it was awesome. just gold. they blurted shit out, feeling safe, cus i was using some unknown name, and not saying anything. lydia will not ban them, but she will ban anybody "defying" them.
so bascally, theyll keep it up as long as lydia's moderator. lydia in her turn, is minimalizing it for the other mods, and allready others have been delivered warnings for criticizing the whole setup.
JUST... lame

btw, bedslam was caligula/unholy's forum