Welcome VenatorDraconis.
Why do you hunt dragons?
Are they real dragons, figments of your, or someone else's imagination, metaphorical dragons?
Do you hunt them to bring them to a safe place, to preserve an endangered species? Or do you aim to slay them?
If the dragons you hunt are metaphorical? Do you think you will find them here?
It's a reference to an event in Roman History by the historian Dio Cassius. It would have happened during the war with Carthage, when Regulus was besieging an enemy fortress in north Africa.
I have dragons tattooed on my left arm. They are seen as peaceful and strong creatures amongst mythology. Are you gong to hunt me as well?
You lost your ears? What?
Yeah, they were bitten off by a parakeet.
OMG, all Australian wildlife is dangerous isn't it?
Yes, and those koalas can be nasty little fuckers as well.