No way is all of that furiture actually comfortable.
The need to keep it all really tidy to make it work.........
OK, there were two table-like things that didn't need to be completely empty. But still.
I do have stuff on my tables. Too much, but even when I think it is as it is at it's most organised, I have stuff on my tables.
Having to place plants and candles on the floor, so I can make my bed, or change a part of a cupboard into a chair just would not work for me.
I have always wanted one of those bookcases where if you reach for a certain book
it pulls a lever which turns you and the bookcase and you end up in a secret part
of the house...that is so fucking cool.
I seen it on scooby doo only recently 
I would like a secret bookcase door to a secret room as well. That would be so cool.
I want one too.
Would also be so cool to buy a bookcase, and get the room delivered with it.