I get bored by the Deftones is an amazing song. I took 3 bars of Xanax and smoked some hash, 3 beers only, working on more. I dont care about spelling or making sense
So I remembered i actually had Facebook. Never played with it. I want to add people I know. You fuckers should add me if you do such things.
http://facebook.com/badcucumber Im adding my real name soon.
Also for masochists. I dont know why they can be assholes. I like biting people, and slamming their head into a porcelain bathtub.
Ok minus blindfold is on now
I cant tell if i should take more Xanax or
FML in a good way.
I do get bored. Got some rope ?
I will think this is a silly post tomorrow but not regret it. I wasted 2 minutes of your life and HA FUCK YOU

naa I love you guys. Im kinda drunk, you see
yeah addm e to facebook. I think its 2005. ill vomit on your head if you dont.
I sholdnt be around compters in my condition. Yeah Im taking more Xanax.