Author Topic: this not REAL?  (Read 805 times)

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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2011, 04:12:44 PM »
"Real" people, they can have motives out of my range too.

I see no real difference.

Apart from the physical difference. That there is. There's people I'd love to empty a bottle of wine with, or have a stroll with. I'd love to hear some of you laugh. And there's that guy I'd love to wrap my limbs around. The internet just doesn't allow that.

But, it doesn't make it any less real, or any more real if the contact is via the internet or not.

People are just as genuine or as fake everywhere.
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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2011, 04:25:41 PM »
Sometimes notice people saying that here; it's not real life, but yes in real life I sit here most everyday and talk to the people here, people who I otherwise wouldn't likely talk to in real life. Have tried to form genuine frienship twice online but it doesn't work out; maybe because it gets too real.

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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2011, 04:30:56 PM »
This is just a dream you will wake up soon don't worry ::)

As for safe it's probably safer that meeting people in person.   You can choose who and what you share easier and it's not like we can follow you home.  Here everyone is spread around the globe. 
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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2011, 04:35:08 PM »
I guess it is as real as you want it to be.

Sometimes think i am broadening my hosizons  - as i get
to talk to people in other countries,  far away,  that i would
never get chance to.  I appreciate the insight.
blah blah blah

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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2011, 04:53:52 AM »
^That is a good point. I think it is to my advantage that I get to learn what other people around the world think about different topics and how they are affected by various events.

I also feel more comfortable with people here than I am with some people I know in real life.
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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2011, 05:28:31 PM »
Well, are penpals real?

 Exactly!  Words on a screen, words on paper, words directly in my ears, all are real.

 As for "safety," some of the most upsetting exchanges I've ever had have been online.  :zombiefuck:

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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2011, 03:18:10 AM »
Is anything real ? I doubt it.

But as for internet chatting. It is a real person you are talking to. Chances are good they wont kill you. They most certainly cannot hurt you if they do not know who you are. Sometimes you can tell people online stuff you cant say to people you know.

I like talking to people online, and think it is "real", and everything is all in your head in everything in life

Ive met a LOT of people from the internet in real life. Like maybe 30 or so in the last 10 years. Some may have been weird but no one ever hurt me and everyone was always who they say they were

funny thing, I actually met some men on craigslist a few times for sexual relations :O

And the fist boy i ever did that with, years ago, I am still friends with and talk to often. Was texting him all day. Told him I broke up with Jeff so he wants to hit it again, of course. Men are sluts. He is prob coming over wed.

ITs so cute, he was actually kind of nervous about ME cause he never met some woman like that, who honestly jst wanted to fuck. He later told me he was kinda scared i would hit him with a wrench lol. Later, he gave me a wrench for my birthday. He is a nice boy.

But people are going to be who they are going to be on the internet or in life, and anyone can lie about anything anytime.

I am NOT going to NOT meet people just because it "may" be dangerous. I check people out. Being afraid ??? Of what, a person you can meet in public and walk away if they are creepy ? That is no way to live.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 03:20:36 AM by eris »

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Re: this not REAL?
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2011, 12:16:20 PM »
maybe this is all a dream! :O