again with strong paralels to the oklahoma bombing, in which also a single person went through with maticulous preparations, to quite a devastating (and tactically successful) attack
Yes, but Timothy McVeigh was ex-special forces. He was professionally trained, and this bozo wasn't.
I'm sure any former soldier civilian with a gun could've taken him down.
my point is - he trained himself, fanatically, physically, mentally, tactically.
imo, he was on par with someone with at least basic military training + a lot of tactical theoretic knowledge:
he was much better prepared than your average palestinian boy (ironically, the palestinian boy has ten times the bawls between his legs)
we know how fragile and unpredictable an armed confrontation could be. i CAN imagine this guy being able to give swat at least some nerves, if he didnt surrender, but all in all, he wouldnt be able to survive had it come to that - and he knew it - he surrendered out of doubt and fear (since he promised martyrdom)
he is a rare example of someone who isnt "just a bozo", and we should recognize it as such - in order to not "underestimate the enemy" so to speak. this guy was VERY well prepared. his bombs _went off_, to spectacular effect. his location was very wisely chosen, for the maximum horrifying effect (instead of random, or rushedly chosen)
he stuffed nicotine into his dum-dum bullets
and out of 500, he managed to hit 150, and kill (now downcounted) to over 70
its important to recognize this level of preparation, as a reminder to us, that this was 1 guy. in the UK similar minded people in forums brandish RPG's they have aquired. naturally, 99,9% of these brag, show guns, and in very worst case will blow up some warehouse or something,
but this guy went faaar beyond that, and in his "manifesto" explains numerous examples of much heavyer operations.
OF COURSE, "who doesnt?", like, endless movie-writers, fiction-writers etc are well capable of imagining, and writing about fictional military operations that have a chance of theoretic success
im still suspecting he has written all this down, hoping to manipulate likeminded who read it into believing there IS an organization (which doesnt exist) to commend them when the "future civil war" comes and ends
again, not "some bozo", but clearly narcissistic, megalomaniac and enormously self controlled (paradoxally, as imo he SHOULD have controlled himself to snap the fuck out of it)