Someone actually asked me while I was reading the contents of this thread to them 'what the fuck are they doing here if they are undiagnosed?', meaning you. I told them it was a site for people who have AS to shoot the shit and whatever, and they said 'fair enough'. They did then say that that from their observation that because I had traits of AS, that I was just as entitled to be here and post as anyone else. Anyway, back to the main reason for the callout.
All bullshit aside, you seem to be practicing the same monumental gaffe that I accused Scrap of doing, and that's refusing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and refusing to let things be consigned to history. Well, that's your problem, and you'll have to deal with it. Dragging up old shit to score points is about as pissweak of calling someone a bully for shits and giggles. Pointless and can be of no value. Had you not sent the original PM which really started this callout, then there would have been know issue. Since you started it by getting your pantyhose in a tangle, you can deal with the responsibilities.