Author Topic: OsensitiveJack  (Read 7736 times)

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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2011, 01:56:55 AM »
That's right about opinions and I'm voicing mine, and obviously you do care or you wouldn't have made this callout. No one here does the exact same fucking thing, not one. Find one member who says the same insult a hundred times, one member who can find nothing else to say other than to harass someone else in every post. Find one person before you call me a hypocrite. I'd be a hypocrite if I acted like you. You expect me to start critisizing the social skills of a group of autistics? Not going to happen. This is about you, though you keep trying to make it about someone else. Sure, tell me to take off to wp, because I must be too soft and mushy because I call you the bully you are. I'm not trying to get you to leave, so why are you trying to get me to?


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2011, 02:13:03 AM »
That's right about opinions and I'm voicing mine, and obviously you do care or you wouldn't have made this callout. No one here does the exact same fucking thing, not one. Find one member who says the same insult a hundred times, one member who can find nothing else to say other than to harass someone else in every post. Find one person before you call me a hypocrite. I'd be a hypocrite if I acted like you. You expect me to start critisizing the social skills of a group of autistics? Not going to happen. This is about you, though you keep trying to make it about someone else. Sure, tell me to take off to wp, because I must be too soft and mushy because I call you the bully you are. I'm not trying to get you to leave, so why are you trying to get me to?

I'm trying to get you to back up your claims as to how I abused Soph.

Only thing is, you can't because 1) the abuse you think happened was supposedly in an area that only Elders have access to, and to post it outside that forum is against I2 rules; and 2) there was no abuse to begin with. Go back and read what I said, then you'll find you fucked up royally.

As for what I say to others. This is IntensitySquared, dearie. Flaming happens. People like richard, duke, Shleed, scrap, binty are big enough to look after themselves, and thus give out just as much shit as they cop. You say it's about me being a bully. pffft. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, luv.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2011, 02:19:52 AM »
First, I'll let Heinrich's past words echo for you. Then I'll go find yours.

You arseholes think you can push around someone just cos they aresn't the same as you? Well, you fucking succeeded. Cunts.
Says the man who's attacked people for gender identity and autism?

That particular thread has some interesing insights into your pattern of behavior here. Sounds like you've played this game several times.

And repeating how I can leave is silly. You wouldn't have to deal with me then.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2011, 02:48:11 AM »
First, I'll let Heinrich's past words echo for you. Then I'll go find yours.

You arseholes think you can push around someone just cos they aresn't the same as you? Well, you fucking succeeded. Cunts.
Says the man who's attacked people for gender identity and autism?

That particular thread has some interesing insights into your pattern of behavior here. Sounds like you've played this game several times.

And repeating how I can leave is silly. You wouldn't have to deal with me then.

I think I'll let this song speak for me, as I'm still in hysterics over your inability to see beyond 2010.

It's July 2011, dearie.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2011, 02:57:26 AM »
You said you want me to provide you with what I was referring to, so you can have it. It's amazing how your hysterics haven't changed a bit since 2010.
Well Soph, let's look at some of your bheaviour: Pissing and moaning over virtually everything from not telling your parents of you being trans,
You whinge about your parents not know about you being trans. FUCKING TELL THEM AND STOP BEING A BABY ABOUT IT.
I had respected you and thought you were going through some rough shit, being trans and not telling your parents. I'd have been willing to stick up for you, but you've just proved that you're as infantile as the rest and don't deserve any respect.

Respect has to be earned, and until people start treating me with some, as I feel I have earned it, then they can fuck off.

Every time Heinrich said something about your tard bashing, you brought up his gender. Actually I could post everything you said during the surrounding couple of weeks and bring up several people. Seems I missed quited a bit of that. Reading it made me sick and only confirmed I'm right about you, and I really don't need to discuss it anymore.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2011, 03:03:06 AM »
Someone actually asked me while I was reading the contents of this thread to them 'what the fuck are they doing here if they are undiagnosed?', meaning you. I told them it was a site for people who have AS to shoot the shit and whatever, and they said 'fair enough'. They did then say that that from their observation that because I had traits of AS, that I was just as entitled to be here and post as anyone else. Anyway, back to the main reason for the callout.

All bullshit aside, you seem to be practicing the same monumental gaffe that I accused Scrap of doing, and that's refusing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and refusing to let things be consigned to history. Well, that's your problem, and you'll have to deal with it. Dragging up old shit to score points is about as pissweak of calling someone a bully for shits and giggles. Pointless and can be of no value. Had you not sent the original PM which really started this callout, then there would have been know issue. Since you started it by getting your pantyhose in a tangle, you can deal with the responsibilities.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2011, 03:12:00 AM »
You said you want me to provide you with what I was referring to, so you can have it. It's amazing how your hysterics haven't changed a bit since 2010.
Well Soph, let's look at some of your bheaviour: Pissing and moaning over virtually everything from not telling your parents of you being trans,
You whinge about your parents not know about you being trans. FUCKING TELL THEM AND STOP BEING A BABY ABOUT IT.
I had respected you and thought you were going through some rough shit, being trans and not telling your parents. I'd have been willing to stick up for you, but you've just proved that you're as infantile as the rest and don't deserve any respect.

Respect has to be earned, and until people start treating me with some, as I feel I have earned it, then they can fuck off.

Every time Heinrich said something about your tard bashing, you brought up his gender. Actually I could post everything you said during the surrounding couple of weeks and bring up several people. Seems I missed quited a bit of that. Reading it made me sick and only confirmed I'm right about you, and I really don't need to discuss it anymore.

I take that back about you not being dense. Obviously you really are.

Firstly, It was a wake-up call to what I believed was something that wasn't being handled right. In a meltdown, who knows what will be written in anger? Soph got pissed, but then we sorted it out via PM. As i have deleted all my previous PMs, I'm hardly going to reproduce it here. But you decided to use my meltodowns as ammo to get your shitty perspective accross. And you call me a bully? If you are really too fucking stupid to see things for what they are instead of what you want them to be, and also to leave things alone when they should be left alone, then I doubt there could be much more that could be said for you.

I'd consider gheying you just to fuck you up, but that's being childish.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2011, 03:14:57 AM »
Oh, and I'm throwing this open for the others to have fun with.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2011, 03:19:08 AM »
Someone actually asked me while I was reading the contents of this thread to them 'what the fuck are they doing here if they are undiagnosed?', meaning you. I told them it was a site for people who have AS to shoot the shit and whatever, and they said 'fair enough'. They did then say that that from their observation that because I had traits of AS, that I was just as entitled to be here and post as anyone else. Anyway, back to the main reason for the callout.

All bullshit aside, you seem to be practicing the same monumental gaffe that I accused Scrap of doing, and that's refusing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and refusing to let things be consigned to history. Well, that's your problem, and you'll have to deal with it. Dragging up old shit to score points is about as pissweak of calling someone a bully for shits and giggles. Pointless and can be of no value. Had you not sent the original PM which really started this callout, then there would have been know issue. Since you started it by getting your pantyhose in a tangle, you can deal with the responsibilities.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said you aren't entitled to be here. I said you come here to bully and I think bullying autistics on an as forum is really shitty. Was fully willing to leave the past in the past, but your behaviour hasn't changed since the past. Haven't see you shoot the shit really at all. Read over your own posts since you been here, I know I can't do it anymore. Like I said, they speak for themselves; it's obvious what you're here for. As for what the fuck I'm doing here, I'm actually here to shoot the shit. Don't have any friends, haven't in years, and it's nice to talk to people I can relate, people who can be honest but without cutting me simply me for being me. I find the thoughts of the people here interesting and that's not something I don't find anywhere else everyday. That's what I'm doing here.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 03:23:14 AM by Jack »


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2011, 03:21:33 AM »
I'd consider gheying you just to fuck you up, but that's being childish.
No, calling me 'fucking stupid' when I'm not, and trying to have a rational conversation, is childish. I see things for exactly what they are.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2011, 03:24:39 AM »
Oh, and I'm throwing this open for the others to have fun with.
That's fine.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2011, 03:30:16 AM »
Someone actually asked me while I was reading the contents of this thread to them 'what the fuck are they doing here if they are undiagnosed?', meaning you. I told them it was a site for people who have AS to shoot the shit and whatever, and they said 'fair enough'. They did then say that that from their observation that because I had traits of AS, that I was just as entitled to be here and post as anyone else. Anyway, back to the main reason for the callout.

All bullshit aside, you seem to be practicing the same monumental gaffe that I accused Scrap of doing, and that's refusing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and refusing to let things be consigned to history. Well, that's your problem, and you'll have to deal with it. Dragging up old shit to score points is about as pissweak of calling someone a bully for shits and giggles. Pointless and can be of no value. Had you not sent the original PM which really started this callout, then there would have been know issue. Since you started it by getting your pantyhose in a tangle, you can deal with the responsibilities.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said you aren't entitled to be here. I said you come here to bully and I think bullying autistics on an as forum is really shitty. Was fully willing to leave the past in the past, but your behaviour hasn't changed since the past. Haven't see you shoot the shit really at all. Read over your own posts since you been here, I know I can't do it anymore. Like I said, they speak for themselves; it's obvious what you're here for. As for what the fuck I'm doing here, I'm actually here to shoot the shit. Don't have any friends, haven't in years, and it's nice to talk to people I can relate, people who can be honest but without cutting me simply me for being me. I find the thoughts of the people here interesting and that's not something I anywhere else everyday. That's what I'm doing here.

Get over it, Negative Nancy. What I say here is no different to Shleed, Squid or PPK. What gets up your nose is that I'm not aspie. You know what? BIG FUCKING DEAL. What do you want to do, have a board for aspies only who won't be picked on and given a bitchslap now and then? Be a fucking boring and lonely place if that was the case. And I'm here for exactly the same fucking reason you are - friends. Friends I can have a laugh with. Friends who will put shit on people who they find silly. You say I can't mention Callaway, shleed, PPK, CBC, Squid cos it's about me being a bully. This site isn't about me, it's about the friggin' membership. And if someone comes accross as a 'tard, then they'll cop it. It's not fucking playgroup, and we are all over 18.

Get used to it.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2011, 03:41:40 AM »
Of course this site isn't about you, and I'm already used to you. In fact, I know exactly what to expect to read when I see your avatar. Yes, you like to have some laughs that's clear; think I've mentioned it.  Like I said your posts speak for themselves, so I'll be looking forward to reading all the good times with the friends you're seeking.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2011, 03:46:54 AM »
Of course this site isn't about you, and I'm already used to you. In fact, I know exactly what to expect to read when I see your avatar. Yes, you like to have some laughs that's clear; think I've mentioned it.  Like I said your posts speak for themselves, so I'll be looking forward to reading all the good times with the friends you're seeking.

Sensing sarcasm with a capital S.

Just read through your callout on Squid, Even though you sorted things with him, it seems you do tend to jump in over your head. So if you are quoting history, make sure it doesn't bite you on the bum.

Anyway, let;s give the others a go.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2011, 03:59:38 AM »
Not sure what Squid and I have to do with you and me. Not over my head here at all. Quoting history? Biting my ass? What are you even talking about? There's a peanut forum for anyone who has anything to say about it, and I'm perfectly willing to discuss this with anyone else here in this thread. Seems you've just run out of defenses because there are no good ones. All you can say is go to wp, big deal, sandy vagina, bla ba, get over it. Get over what? You're here for friends and not to bully tards, but I'm supposed to get over it.