Author Topic: OsensitiveJack  (Read 7810 times)

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« on: July 18, 2011, 07:26:43 PM »
So you have a problem with things I say around here, just because I don't have Aspergers and don't fit your particular mould on what a person should be.

pfft to you.

You accused me of poor form in something I said to Soph in his thread. I call bullshit, because I was actually saying that he, although told one particular thing by someone, he should not base his life around it. His inner self is what counts. But you decided to get superficial and fail to see the meaning in the post.

You say that I bully people and have done this just to get my jollies. I only give it to people who I think deserve it, and it's generally only a couple (like richtard and GR). And then you have the gall to say that when I had my meltdowns that everything I said was intentionally done to score points and that being nasty to everyone was normal? Fuck you.

You really are an Osensitive1 if you think that sledging on an internet forum is a serious life and death situation. Maybe WP is the place for you; there the emo 'tard bunch encouraged by Plank could cater for your bullshit.

I'll just carry on as normal.  :hahaha:


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 08:25:12 PM »
You've got me all wrong, Steve. You don't know Jack. I'm not even diagnosed and don't want to be. I do have autistic close relatives and evidently there was some mention of it in my childhood, but that doesn't mean jack to me or anyone else. Being undiagnosed, unlike you, I know my place here; and that place isn't being hateful and abusive to the autistics who this site was designed, and deserve to have their voices heard more that I do. See you used the word tard again. Nice way to prove my point.
I only give it to people who I think deserve it,
That's a lot of people from what I've seen.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 09:21:32 PM »
You've got me all wrong, Steve. You don't know Jack. I'm not even diagnosed and don't want to be. I do have autistic close relatives and evidently there was some mention of it in my childhood, but that doesn't mean jack to me or anyone else. Being undiagnosed, unlike you, I know my place here; and that place isn't being hateful and abusive to the autistics who this site was designed, and deserve to have their voices heard more that I do. See you used the word tard again. Nice way to prove my point.
I only give it to people who I think deserve it,
That's a lot of people from what I've seen.

You say you know your place here, and are virtually saying I don't know mine. In other words, you are saying I shouldn't be here. Is that it? I am NOT hateful of the people here; matter of fact I have friendships with MOST of the people here. Soph, odeon, Rage, Callaway, Squid, Les, and lots of others. Just cos I don't have AS or autism, doesn't mean I can't be involved in a forum where there is a lot of banter and interaction amongst people with those disorders. It seems like it's the AS vs NT shite that WP wankers were encouraging; and it seems like some people just can't get over it.

I sorted out my problems last year, and anything I said to Soph during that time was sorted out. He and I are cool with each other, as I am with virtually everyone.

The only people I have problems are are the ones who are as thick as a brick when it comes to understanding stuff - and that isn't because they are AS or NT or whatever.

So maybe I misread your missive, but the way it came accross, you seemed to be giving me a backhander which I felt was underserved.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 09:36:14 PM »
No, I'm not saying you shouldn't be here. I'm saying you should give the tard bashing a rest. You are hateful to people here and I'll gather quotes if you wish, but it would have to be tomorrow as it's late. The backhander wasn't seemingly, but rather intended and deserved as far as I'm concerned.
The only people I have problems are are the ones who are as thick as a brick when it comes to understanding stuff - and that isn't because they are AS or NT or whatever.
Well, some autistics are just like that, and in this environment it's not about as or nt; it's about as. Beating on someone who's your intellectual inferior makes you look like a creep.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 09:45:40 PM »
No, I'm not saying you shouldn't be here. I'm saying you should give the tard bashing a rest. You are hateful to people here and I'll gather quotes if you wish, but it would have to be tomorrow as it's late. The backhander wasn't seemingly, but rather intended and deserved as far as I'm concerned.
The only people I have problems are are the ones who are as thick as a brick when it comes to understanding stuff - and that isn't because they are AS or NT or whatever.
Well, some autistics are just like that, and in this environment it's not about as or nt; it's about as. Beating on someone who's your intellectual inferior makes you look like a creep.

I call bullshit there, and obviously you didn't read your post through before you submitted it.

Take a look at Shleed, Scrap, Squid and Rage. They do just as mush 'tard bashing as myself, yet you seem to have a problem with me doing it because I don't have AS or autism. Seems a bit hypocritical allowing one group to do it, but not everyone. And as I said, all that stuff that was posted last year is history, and everyone has moved on. I said I am not hateful of anyone here, but if I spot bullshit, I will call it. Whether it is Razor, duke, richard, or anyone else. BTW, most of the stuff I say is in jest, and those that see it that way laugh along with the joke. Those that don't, well, stiff cheddar. That's their problem.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 09:56:05 PM »
I'm not talking about Shleed, Scrap, Squid and Rage; I'm talking about you, and yes I do have a problem with you doing it because you don't have autism. Obviously you aren't reading my posts or that would be clear. I was willing to give you another chance after your outburst last time, but you came back full force and didn't miss a beat, same old crap. Would be willing to guess over 90% of your posts since your return have been spent tard bashing. Your posts speak for themselves. Maybe you should have read your old apology again before posting.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2011, 10:39:40 PM »
I'm not talking about Shleed, Scrap, Squid and Rage; I'm talking about you, and yes I do have a problem with you doing it because you don't have autism. Obviously you aren't reading my posts or that would be clear. I was willing to give you another chance after your outburst last time, but you came back full force and didn't miss a beat, same old crap. Would be willing to guess over 90% of your posts since your return have been spent tard bashing. Your posts speak for themselves. Maybe you should have read your old apology again before posting.

Who cares? This is IntensitySquared dearie. You could always :gotowp: if you don't care for what I've got to say.

And as for apologising, piss on that. I've nothing to apologise for at this very moment. Not to richtard, to you or anyone. Problem? Try that box of Kleenex in the corner.

Maybe you could pull your head out of your arse and lighten up, or do as PPK would suggest and 'harden the fuck up'.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 10:41:43 PM by Steve-O »


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2011, 10:48:26 PM »
People like you have made me hard enough, Steve. I'm working on rectifying that. Though thanks for the tips; that's about what I expected.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2011, 11:05:59 PM »
People like you have made me hard enough, Steve. I'm working on rectifying that. Though thanks for the tips; that's about what I expected.

Face it. You have problems in general with people who are outside your comfort zone. You joined here thinking it was a nice little group of Aspies who would be just like those over at WP, but with a little more freedom to have a sledge. And then comes big bad Steve-O, who decides to have a go at some people on a board that is set up for a bit of sledging. Harmless fun in 99.9% of cases. Then when Steve-O is provoked, he then hits back defending himself. jack then sees this as bullying and decides because Steve-O isn't autie or aspie, he should STFU. Then things fget sorted out, and Steve-O comes back. And guess what? Jack decides to weigh in and call foul when a couple of the 'protected species' cop it in the arse. A few patronising backhanders and a call of hateful language against members deciding that once again, the bully is back in town.

Well, we all know what a crock of shit that reasoning is, and as far as toadying up to the likes of richard because he felt butthurt over his 'BIG FUCKING PETER' insults, and yourself who seems butthurt over a non-aspie posting on a site that is technically an aspie site, well then I'm afraid you are whistling Dixie with that one.

If you really are that annoyed and put out about what I've said, thenuse the fucking ignore button, ffs. But that really is the coward's way out.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 11:15:26 PM »
I only have four people in my comfort zone; hardly something I have to face. You are a bully and I think you know it. And lookie there, your post mentions richard's penis. Imagine that! :laugh:


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2011, 11:24:53 PM »
I only have four people in my comfort zone; hardly something I have to face. You are a bully and I think you know it. And lookie there, your post mentions richard's penis. Imagine that! :laugh:

Whoop-de-do. So it does. Considering he was stupid enough to post it on here as well as on the net, he deserves what he gets. Oh, but according to your 'logic', I can't criticise him because I'm not aspie. I'll criticise who I like, when I like. And if you don't like it, then maybe you should get that sand out of your vagina, as those kids on South Park would say.

Who died and left you in charge? Last time I looked odeon was running this site.


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2011, 11:27:18 PM »
Never implied I was in charge; just saying it as I see it. Are you going to start following me around the board and making every post about my vagina now?


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2011, 11:41:20 PM »
Never implied I was in charge; just saying it as I see it. Are you going to start following me around the board and making every post about my vagina now?

No, not unless you post it and crap on like richard. See, richard cops it becuase he is an idiot, nothing more, nothing less. Wouldn't have matter if he was a quad, blind, deaf, aspie, NT, or fucking Jesus Christ. What makes people dislike him, is his innate stupidity. And that is why he cops it.

Same with bint. Her NPD has nothing to do with the fact she is a dipshit. Same with Penty, benjina, Randy.... Their AS shouldn't stop them from being picked on, but they aren't being picked on because of it.

Call me a bully if you like. No skin off my nose. But if you come onto a site that gives out insults now and then expecting sunshine and lollipops; then it's your problem for getting upset when the shit hits the fan.

I learnt this, and moved on. Did you?


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2011, 11:54:26 PM »
No, I didn't. But I've learned you come here to mess with tards for the shits and giggles. Since you insist on continuing to bring other people into the topic. Have seen a member's vagina and you don't pick on her because it isn't a dogpile; you explained the whole thing to me last time, so that' crap. You aren't hounding Duke because no one else is, and if someone was bullying me you'd be right on it. I don't care if it's skin off your nose and I do call you a bully because I like.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 11:58:33 PM by Jack »


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Re: OsensitiveJack
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2011, 01:17:01 AM »
No, I didn't. But I've learned you come here to mess with tards for the shits and giggles. Since you insist on continuing to bring other people into the topic. Have seen a member's vagina and you don't pick on her because it isn't a dogpile; you explained the whole thing to me last time, so that' crap. You aren't hounding Duke because no one else is, and if someone was bullying me you'd be right on it. I don't care if it's skin off your nose and I do call you a bully because I like.

And opinions are like arseholes. Everybody has one.

I frankly couldn't  give a rat's rectum of what your opinion is of me of my actions. Means Jack to me.

And if you can honestly sit there and single me out when there are others here doing EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING THING means that you really are either 1) a hypocrite who can't see the wood for the trees, or 2) dense. Now I wouldn't have struck you as being the latter, so the former must be true.

As I said before, maybe another site that is willing to cater for your sensitivity would be more to your liking. But as far as getting me to leave or change, that'd be akin to the second coming of Christ. Ain't gonna happen.