On the better side of overwhelmed, but it won't take much to get me on the wrong side.
Had a real meltdown yesterday, just before dinner. Had managed to evade a big one like that for years. Knew last week was filled, had built in some safety moments in my routine, but unexpected things wrecked that.
Glad you're on the better side! Do you know what set you off?
Yes, I know, did too much, new, and stressful things, without a break. Had to be done, no other option. Went over my limits, and did that for too long. When I am past my limits, I can't feel limits any more. So, very hard to guard myself then. A goodnight sleep was taken away from me. And, the afternoon before the meltdown, I got a phone call the moment I came home from work, sitting down with a belated lunch. That was my last option of being really alone for over an hour till next Monday. I really needed that. Didn't happen. So, something unexpected and annoying, but completely not important got me melting down.
So be it, can't be undone. Kids regularly melt down. They hardly ever see that happening to me. Led to talking. Nothing wrong about that.
Still recovering. This week was a more autistic week than usual.