Pretty stoned, and relaxed from the 3 OC40 tablets I shot up a little earlier.
I vaporised around 6-7mg of AM-2203 in a crank pipe over the course of 30 minute or so, and my eyes are closing themselves of their own accord, significant ptosis and double vision when they are open at all.
And I REALLY have the munchies

And whats really fucking fantastic?
I've been having a major problem with my bad leg, for months now, I talked to me doc, about the fact that I've been having cramp in my left calf and back of thigh for maybe 6 months, he was shocked at how tight the tendons in the back of my knee are and is booking me in for physio ASAP.
The synthetic cannabinoid though appears to have a fucking powerful myorelaxant effect, and the pain and tightness has just faded away. Opiates can help, at least strong ones do, but they only mask the pain, the cramp is still there and will hurt again the moment my last injection wears off.
Now I think I can work on it with massage, once I've eaten my cold roast chicken and drank the cans of turbo-strength lager I just bought from the local paki shop, as DAMN do I ever have a dry mouth and throat, I've had not one drop to drink since a couple of mouthfuls of lucozade since yesterday evening.
Just managed to borrow a fiver though, to get a 2l bottle of cherry vimto and a few cans of super-strength lager. Just whats needed with my chicken, and the AM2203:)