No, I am not, to the best of my knowledge. I do intent to take a muscle biopsy, subject it to a Gomori trichrome stain, whack it under my oil-immersion microscope to test for MERFF syndrome (myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers.
I damn well hope I am not epileptic, I've only recently started my driving lessons, buggered if I am going to have to stop before I start almost.
I hate that doctor, and never want to have to be in his dirty, tightfisted paki, verminous prescence again. Won't see him ever again unless I truly have to, bitch can't count, I last got 14 oxycontin, which I take twice a day. seven days worth. This shithead expects me to make them stretch out for 10 days. Which means 3 days of sweating like crazy, the shits, throwing up, total insomnia, going tachycardic, and unable to eat so much as a single bite of food. I was so hungry until that decent doc in the hospital got me my oxy, and tizanidine. Luckily, while I was waiting to be seen, I looked through my backpack, with food, drink, my pipe and tobacco, chemistry book to read, phone, etc, as well as all my empty packs of meds, had to fish them out of the bin, to basically prove I am on all the stuff I'm on; which is quite a long list. Found some tizanidine I didn't know I had, it's a drug like clonidine, although shorter acting, and less powerful as a hypotensive agent. I was able to bring my heart rate down, drop my BP, as well as it helping to relieve the withdrawal from both the OCs, and clonidine.
I must have stuck some in my backpack when I went on one of my mushroom foraging hikes so I could take it while I was out when I needed it, as I used to take it 4x daily, and when I go mushroom hunting, it isn't by any means uncommon I'll get my arse out of bed at 7am, take a little alpha-methyl tryptaming (an empathogen/entactogenic, somewhat stimulating psychedelic, basically the indole analog of amphetamine. Most entactogens I am just not at all compatible with. MDMA, methylone [beta ketone/cathinone homolog of MDMA, just don't agree with me. AMT though helped me overcome my PTSD. It's nice to go hiking, then around the middle of my outing, there is a little clearing that I like to shoot up some oxy and/or PCP derivative of some sort, have a bong or ten, then curl up around the base of a big tree and go to sleep. LOL some golfer once came over, thinking I was either unconscious or dead

) and not return home until 2-3am, refusing to leave the woods without breakfast, then pop into a nice, quiet little spanish eatery for a big plate of battered, fried squid rings and a good, relaxing soak in Lamb's navy rum and cold beer, much needed to relax my weary self and sooth my usually aching feet.