I'd be more surprised if you WEREN'T horny, bodie.
As for me? feeling pretty good. Just finished a nice hot cup of lady grey tea, served black, with acacia honey rather than sugar, and the citrusish flavor of lady grey brought out by my popping out into the garden, and pulling a generous handful of the young shoots of my lemon balm bushes off. Tastes lovely in tea, especially the already strongly citrus flavored lady grey, or if I decide upon a change, I'll stick some in a cup of earl grey and honey.
Pinching out the young shoots helps make my balm plants really bush out. They are doing fantastic. Really big and bushy, flowering like crazy.
When I was harvesting a lot more balm than I would for a cup of tea, making a large jug full, I accidentally yanked up a full stem with a few roots clinging to it.
Didn't think it had an moon worshiper in hell's chance of surviving, but I planted and watered it anyway. Now its looking really healthy, putting out new shoots, even grown well enough to provide enough to harvest.
And nicely relaxed, having shot 160mg of oxycontin and 50mcg of clonidine.
Lol, when I started on the computer, I was nodding off, going in and out of semi-waking dreams, and ending up with my fingers resting on the keyboard as I was, resulting in my having to delete line after line of just single letters

Saving a bit more oxy for later, after I finish online, then I'm going to pop my shoes off, stick some music on; and sprawl out on my bed:)