My eyeballs are itching. Bloody annoying, its not like I can do for other itches, I find a hairbrush with a very dense population of thin but stiff bristles works brilliantly for getting to all those hard to reach places. Right now I feel really bloody itchy and its pissing me off. Going to go ferret around behind my guitar amp, pretty sure there is a strip of fexofenadine pills dropped down there for some reason (a fairly long acting anthistamine.
Good. I'm in luck.
Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good, the heat aside, although my A/C unit has cooled things down somewhat, and I'm wearing very little (just a metal spike through the middle of my lower lip, and a ring through the side of the same

Just about to do a quick shot of OC, check a few posts on a couple of other forums, and some I2 postwhorism before getting some rest. I have been sleeping as much as possible to compensate for my recent 3-day sleep deprivation (thanks a fucking lot, incompetent doc who can't read my medical records properly, bloody useless, bollock-brained shitting dicknipple that she is.