You go kick some arse misskitty.
Me? I am itching like crazy thanks to a combination of-the ferocious hot, dry weather, and running out of antihistamines whilst on my pain meds.
I only got up to get something to eat, and refill my grinder/pipe with smoking blend before I go curl back up on top of the bed with my A/C on, have a quick blaze and wait until its cooled down before I even think about properly waking up.
Not so long since the only weather in general was throwing it down, warm still, but rain coming down in buckets. Now its just roasting

Personally I preferred it when it had been raining, I don't mind getting soaked just as long as its not cold at the same time, thats just miserable. On the plus side though my lemon balm plants can't get enough of it, at least, as long as I make sure to turn the hosepipe onto the buggers often enough. Picking tops and leaves to brew tea with (just wash, stick them in a jug of just below boiling water with some honey and mash up a bit, tastes great), then they bush out like crazy.