Lit - She would be close to 100.
She's never been ill. I've been so lucky in that regard. I rescued her as a tiny feral kitten, the runt of the litter and the vet said she wouldn't live but a few weeks at most. She's always been tiny, but she's healthy and she's fiercely protective of me. She's seen what really went down in my marriage and she wouldn't leave my side for a second if I was scared. When I was hospitalized with pneumonia and the doctors said I could have easily died in my sleep, she would sit by me 24/7 and paw my face every hour to make sure I would wake up. I don't know. I've have a lot of pets over the years, but none like her. She's seen me experience some horrific things and she always made me feel safe.
So many changes have happened in my life lately and my best friend who I do rescue work says that she waited until the evil was out of the house and made sure that I had people to love me and support me and now that she knows I'm safe, it's okay to let go.