1-Why thank ye. I'd hardly call myself a genius though. I'm just self-taught in mycology and botany (since age 4-5) along with toxicology, forensics, psychopharmacology, (bio)chemistry, neurophysiology, general things pharmacology, chemistry and cognitive neuroscience. Have been since I was a little kid.
And yes, I use drugs. I don't have a prejudice towards drugs as a whole, or drug users. I try not to let it negatively affect my life, and I do catch something negatively affecting my life, or functionality, I kick it in the arse. Only thing I do not like, yet can do fuck all about, is my physical dependence on regular, high dose opioid use. My knee, my hip, and my calf muscle, all fucked big time, and neuropathy thanks to surgery that was both useless, and made things worse, by leaving me with the nerve damage.
Even shooting up my oxycontin/oxynorm (prepped by micron filtering to remove particulate matter, such as pill binders, and sterilize the solution prior to injection), or IV'ing heroin or morphine does relatively little for the neuropathic pain, although intravenous injection of methoxetamine, or 4-methoxy-phencyclidine (will be trying 3-MeO-phencyclidine soon as I get paid tomorrow, 3-MeO-PCP is known to have greater affinity as a mu-opioid receptor agonist than 4-MeO-PCP, and having quite a bit of experience shooting MXE, which has quite a bit of MOR agonist activity, it makes all the difference to the analgesic effects. Also, NMDA antagonists have the useful property of reducing development of tolerance to opioids, and reducing existing tolerance, which I need to do..my opioid tolerance is way too damn high atm....physical dependence is unavoidable, since there is, as yet, no fix for my leg, or my hip, and I must take at least 120mg of oxy a day, IV or plugged if I have no needles to be able to walk. I'm on the pain meds for the forseeable future, so the best I can do is minimize tolerance)
Spybot didn't kill the rootkit. Avira antivirus did. Although its fucking slower than frozen dog shyte. The malware was running in memory, and avira killed the process and quarantined the responsible nasty. I'll have to reinstall my sound drivers, as the malware ate them. Pain in the arse, but nothing un-fixable.
And I wouldn't say I am addicted to substances, aside from my having to take pain meds daily. I just use a lot of different substances. Mainly research chemicals. Psychedelics particularly. I have found that AMT (alpha-methyltryptamine, an entactogen, but also a true 5HT2a agonist psychedelic. I am normally not wired for oxytocin-releasing entactogenic drugs, hating MDMA for instance, and likewise, hating methylone. But AMT has had a really positive effect on me, allowing me to do psychological work on my PTSD, and work through the issues that were causing the constant hyper-vigilance, hyper-arousal, panic every time I heard a car engine going outside the house. and other PTSD symptoms. Like the nightmares.
I took the AMT, insufflated, whilst walking out into the woods to hunt for wild mushrooms to eat (trained myself in mycology since age 4-5), hiked about for a bit each time, picked what I could find, then found a nice, quiet little clearing in the trees, and a tree to curl up at the base of, and close my eyes, and explore my psyche, working through any issues I could bring to mind.
You sound like a very clever sausage Lestat, and i would love to have a fumble around in your medicine cabinet.

I will remember to consult with you next time i have any ailments, unless of course you can recommend anything for misery, or not getting enough nookie

I experimented with mushrooms too! Made me puke but it was ok afterwards. I made tea with mine and took a flask out clubbing. That was before i was a mummy