Stuck. I am experiencing writer's block on my assignment.
What has worked for me in the past is start writing. If you don't like how is is going change it as needed until you get the format/layout that you like.
Yes, I just did that and got a paragraph. I am supposed to be writing about a pretend 17 year old male who is tested using the WAIS-IV and his scores are all over the place. So I have to make up some stuff and find evidence in journal articles and such to back my claims I make about him.
Good. You taught me about uneven abilities. It puzzled me until you clarified that point. Your autism is more of a nuisance* than mine but you kept going and qualified as a forklift driver and stuck it out in the workplace when others didn't.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other. People get flummoxed not knowing what to do. Do something. Doing the wrong thing (hopefully without fucking things up too bad) will often point you toward what to do right. Harden the fuck up.
<That is a virtual hug so don't get icked out.
*That is not a slam ren.
All over the place score on the WAIS-IV can be a nuisance. I'm interested in what you are writing Ren. It may be time for me to delve into that a bit more again too.
Thanks PPK. I did get a fair bit more done and then all the computers in the lab decided to shut down and start up again so that is why I didn't answer your post yesterday as soon as I saw it. When I qualified as a forkilift driver I had no clue about autism. I had no idea about it until I was actually assessed and thought I was wasting everyone's time.
Strangely enough I also had an IQ test but it was the WAIS-III back then - the WAIS-IV came about in 2008. Hyke - I made up my 17 year old male to be a student having trouble at school, especially with maths and English.
Verbal Comprehension Index = 83
Perceptual Reasoning Index = 133
Working Memory Index = 65
Processing Speed Index = 98
Full Scale IQ = 96
These Indexes replace what was known as the Verbal and Performance IQs of the WAIS-III.
Sorry that this has nothing to do with how I am feeling.