My head feels bleh. Also, I fainted last night, so I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor.
scary. but at least you know the
didn't die.
Do mention that nipple of yours too. Breast-infection can have a toll on your whole well-being, even more than the flu.
Does that apply to guys too? I'd imagine the glands would be smaller and/or less numerous in males, so infections would have less territory to spread through and less opportunity to cause systemic illness.
I've got an appointment with a cardiologist on Monday, and he was already investigating the fainting (4th time it's happened to me) before the most recent one last night, so I'll let him know about both issues when I see him. I think the fainting is due to my low sodium diet; I noticed a few years ago that adding salt to my food would prevent the dizzy spells that I get sometimes, but when I told my psychiatrist about it, she was quite adamant that I shouldn't be taking extra salt, even after I explained to her that I only get about 250mg of sodium a day due to the lack of processed food in my diet, so I've followed her instructions and abstained from salt for the past few months.