Feeling relieved after taking a 1,240ml piss. Do I get a medal for that? I was away at something, and I held it in for over an hour until I got home so that I could analyse and quantify it and add it to my records. Does anyone know how annoying it is to have a missing data point? My bladder still hurts a bit from the ordeal.
Missing data point? Are you keeping records for diagnostic purposes? 
Well, I'm not keeping them for kinky purposes.
I was corresponding with an expert on periodic paralysis, and she asked if I'd had any urine tests. I told her I hadn't, but my gear for testing the water for my salamanders means I can do some basic urinalysis, so I started keeping track of the volume, PH and total dissolved solids of my urine. When I sent the results to the periodic paralysis expert, she said I was peeing about twice as much as I should be and the high TDS indicated I was losing too many electrolytes and might have Bartter's syndrome or something similar to it. I though I'd keep track of my urine for a few more days before going to my GP about it or writing to my neurologist about it, and so far it does indeed look like I might have a renal problem.