Author Topic: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)  (Read 254926 times)

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10500 on: August 25, 2018, 01:08:17 AM »
Finally home, about two hours behind schedule. I hate taking the train.

Aren't autistic people supposed to love trains?

I love trains. I hate being squeezed onto trains with all the sick, coughing, snorting, gross humans.

Damn, I can't be autistic, then. You caught me.

Seriously, though, I wouldn't mind them if they ran on time and if people would just shut up and leave me alone.
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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10501 on: August 26, 2018, 04:09:44 PM »
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10502 on: August 26, 2018, 04:44:23 PM »
Finally home, about two hours behind schedule. I hate taking the train.

Aren't autistic people supposed to love trains?

I love trains. I hate being squeezed onto trains with all the sick, coughing, snorting, gross humans.

Damn, I can't be autistic, then. You caught me.

Seriously, though, I wouldn't mind them if they ran on time and if people would just shut up and leave me alone.

I love country trains when there aren't too many people on them. Or when you have a compartment all to yourself. I used to love catching trains around Central Europe on the weekends. Commuting by train isn't that much fun, but it's a fuck of a lot better than catching the bus.
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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10503 on: August 26, 2018, 07:06:27 PM »
I have felt better.
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My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10504 on: August 26, 2018, 11:46:02 PM »
My joints ache.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10505 on: August 26, 2018, 11:53:04 PM »
I have so much gas now. Need to stay away from naked flames it's that bad. Trying to work out what I ate.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10506 on: August 27, 2018, 02:32:28 AM »
I have so much gas now.

Don't order any more gas then!  ;-)

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10507 on: August 27, 2018, 08:43:12 AM »
Hm, I must be a freak then, because I really couldn't give the dying squeaky little murine fart from a diseased sewer rat's chocolate starfish about trains. They are just a means to get from one place to another as far as I've always been concerned,  and on the one hand I hate being on them because they are full of the grimy unwashed masses, and at worst, host to an infestation of gobby little pikey oiks who ideally would have been thrown out of the window of the transportation in question, or on football match days, bloody lager louts chanting shite about what is as far as I am concerned, more shite. Bunch of pissed up loud sweaty little arse'oles, and on the other, well, it means I could just take the tram, rather than having to walk from one end of the city to the other when I was dating the younger of the two former fiancees when I was going to see her, rather than the other way around or whenever we decided to meet in the middle. Walking it would have been a LONG fucking walk, right across the city, although for her, I'd have done it in the  absence of better options (for transportation that is, obviously there isn't any better an option than the lady in question, foxy little stick of dynamite that she was, shit, I haven't ever even set eyes on anybody before, or since, who was just that damn gorgeous, bar perhaps one ex gf of mine, and kassiane S/rettdevil. They at least approach that ex fiancee of mine in terms of drop dead sexy, But I don't reckon I'll ever live to see the day when someone walks  the earth who could out-fox my ex fiancee. Don't reckon it's actually possible to FIT that much hot into a single package without the individual spontaneously vaporizing themselves as if they were an experiment involving a weighable and visible quantity of astatine 210, if the latter were something one could actually produce, given the radioactivity of 210At. )

Certainly a girl I'd have walked across the city and into another for, even if I had to start walking days in advance, and for it to hurt like the mother of all fuck, at least until such time as I'd be in her arms again  (she had a trait about her, just wasn't possible to feel anything but good around her, could be as miserable as misery gets, meet up with her, and it'd all just evaporate the moment I'd hear her speak a single word. She was to anything other than completely ecstatic as a garlic-infused holy water enema  is to a vampire.  Finest human being ever to walk the earth in every sense of the term)

Right now....really, really REALLY fucked off. Pigs turning up at the house, because I had to call emergency services (medical, not porcine variety), and fucking searching the place both without a warrant, and after having specifically and explicitly told 'you, the police, are to understand that you are hereby explicitly denied permission to be on or in these premises and you may not enter any building within these premises without a warrant' (which of course they hadn't even the ghost of a cause for 'because we decided to turn up with the paramedics' (and no, they have no good reason for that either, I've never mistreated medics in any way. Disagreeing with opinions, and offering alternative viewpoints is the gravest and most extreme thing I've ever subjected any paramedic to, and I don't mean in a hostile way, just, well, having another view on something, so it isn't like there is any 'history' that justifies pigs turning up.

And fucking searching the place on the base of from what I can tell, basically browbeating my old man into caving in with the threat of getting a warrant, and searching the place.

Absolutely disgusted. And when told immediately and explicitly that permission to either enter or remain on the grounds of the premises is denied absolutely, that the pigs were subject to this, told to their faces, whilst the paramedics were of course, free to enter as they desire.

And the search was on basically no grounds other than fishing to see if they could find something they could use as an excuse to justify having searched ex-post-facto. I'm going to be putting in an official complaint about this, no fucking way I'm standing for that crap. And not even the ghost of probable cause, 'just because we are pigs and we feel like it' isn't good enough. Shit, they have used the same excuse multiple times, to the extent that they bloody well KNOW they are not going to find what they SAY they are looking for, because it isn't there.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10508 on: December 13, 2018, 02:33:42 PM »
Frustrated because I screwed up my grocery order
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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10509 on: December 13, 2018, 03:14:28 PM »
I've totally got a runaway case of the squeebles. Still. As of last night, from shortly before bed at about half 4-5am, to check on a flask containing a certain bright yellow solution.

Or it did, before I'd finished heating it and doing a vacuum filtration to get some byproducts out.

It's totally insoluble in water, can be melted under it, with a heat source greater than the melting point of the material, but instead of just a uniform lemon-yellow liquid, it'd starting to grow a crop of fine, fine needle-shaped crystals, several inches long at first, then I added a seed crystal, a tiny, tiny tiny little bit, just a crystal microns thin and a few mm long, off the tip of a bent-straight paper clip, walked off to make my sofa ready to crawl under the duvet and arrange the cushions I've flattened as much as possible to make them into head pillows, arranged the arm-support and knee and ankle support cushion-pillows, had a quick smoke, took a few of the meds I need to take last thing at night, seizure meds, painkillers, a stomach med that helps make the pain meds  last longer, ended up taking two sleeping tablets (nitrazepam) too that night,  because I just couldn't feel tired in the slightest. Exhausted, yes, but tired and wide awake. One may as well have shot a huge dose of ritalin, meth, amphetamine or/and caffeine into my jugular, and it wouldn't have left me that wide eyed. And I'd had nothing with stimulant tendencies, some cans of coke much earlier in the day, with my breakfast and the like, but not tons, and a few single gulps of coke (diet...bleh) to wash some of the harder to swallow, larger caps down my neck, but that aside, nothing to make me wakeful.

Just one of those nights. Thankfully the sleeping pills worked when I took an extra dose of the seizure med.

So I was up very early last night, doing what I do, recrystallizing one of my projects until it is clean enough to meet my standards.

Checked, after getting the sofa ready, but couldn't resist going for one last look, after the seed crystal had gone in (using impure material, but in such near-microscopic size that there's no problem there, it just gives crystals a site to nucleate around and form nicer, better ones.)

And what happened? a crop of fluffy spines had turned into needles a good few inches long.

Result=rabid case of the squeebles ^_^

Still got it, and I don't think it's going away soon. Every time I look, they've grown, and they look fucking great.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10510 on: December 13, 2018, 05:55:08 PM »
Side effect is med wearing off so everything looks bright with a glare, and I can feel the akathisia stirring just beneath my skin, like millions of tiny vibrating cells waiting for when they can break through. Just about 12 hours since I took the side effect med this clockwork it seems to be wearing off. Hmm... I think this morning I decided to take it every 12 hours no matter when I take the main med. I guess I'll take it soon then.

Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10511 on: December 13, 2018, 05:58:45 PM »
Side effect is med wearing off so everything looks bright with a glare, and I can feel the akathisia stirring just beneath my skin, like millions of tiny vibrating cells waiting for when they can break through. Just about 12 hours since I took the side effect med this clockwork it seems to be wearing off. Hmm... I think this morning I decided to take it every 12 hours no matter when I take the main med. I guess I'll take it soon then.

Do you have sensory issues? That stirring under the skin feeling would drive me batty.
“To rise, first you must burn.”
― Hiba Fatima Ahmad

Offline sg1008

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10512 on: December 13, 2018, 06:13:22 PM »
Side effect is med wearing off so everything looks bright with a glare, and I can feel the akathisia stirring just beneath my skin, like millions of tiny vibrating cells waiting for when they can break through. Just about 12 hours since I took the side effect med this clockwork it seems to be wearing off. Hmm... I think this morning I decided to take it every 12 hours no matter when I take the main med. I guess I'll take it soon then.

Do you have sensory issues? That stirring under the skin feeling would drive me batty.

Sensory issues, Yup. Well in general I have cross wiring of sensations, but they get problematic when I am not well (see thread in elders place for diagnosis). I am trying to be patient with these side effects. Currently I am trying to decide whether being sick or well is worse. [*laughs at the irony*]
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10513 on: December 13, 2018, 06:19:12 PM »
Side effect is med wearing off so everything looks bright with a glare, and I can feel the akathisia stirring just beneath my skin, like millions of tiny vibrating cells waiting for when they can break through. Just about 12 hours since I took the side effect med this clockwork it seems to be wearing off. Hmm... I think this morning I decided to take it every 12 hours no matter when I take the main med. I guess I'll take it soon then.

Do you have sensory issues? That stirring under the skin feeling would drive me batty.

Sensory issues, Yup. Well in general I have cross wiring of sensations, but they get problematic when I am not well (see thread in elders place for diagnosis). I am trying to be patient with these side effects. Currently I am trying to decide whether being sick or well is worse. [*laughs at the irony*]
Right. I understand that. I'm glad you came back sg and I'm glad you trusted the crazy lot of us with everything that has gone on. Stick it out f you can and see if it abates. :hug:
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― Hiba Fatima Ahmad

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #10514 on: December 13, 2018, 09:59:42 PM »
You could  try using one of the really sedating antihistamines, like diphenhydramine, for an emergency extra side effect control, it's got heavy anticholinergic effects, blocking muscarinic receptors, which is how those meds intended for treating akathisia and extrapyramidal nastiness with dopamine  D2 antagonists work. It penetrates the blood-brain-barrier, so ought to help.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.