Accidentally said polonium. That will take a little longer to get. The sample I'll be buying is not 210Po, its Technetium, as 99Tc. I will of course still need a good quality 210Po sample for my collection though. But for now, I'll at least be able to get me the 99Tc plated onto a slip of gold. I done goofed when I said 210Po. But that is the isotope I've chosen for polonium when I get that. For now, It'll be technetium, might do a bit of uranium and thorium shopping too while I'm at it. Happy enough with depleted uranium (238U), although the thorium will be intrinsically radioactive. Or perhaps natural uranium, to give it a buzz enough, so to speak, for an inbuilt geiger counter in a sample vial to register nicely when the counter circuit button would be pressed for that element. (I kinda like having something like a control pad to the side, with the radioactive elements on the keypad in periodic symbol and atomic weight, but arranged sort of like a phone keypad, press the one you want, then a big red button for 'on' to activate that specific geiger-counter), for the likes of radium, radon gas, technetium, polonium, all the actinides I can get together plus that lonely lanthanide, promethium.)
I could get 210Po easy enough in microscale amounts as anti-static brush tips, but I would want a proper sample, given its an alpha-emitter, then its easy enough to keep the radiation contained, glass is fine for the purpose. So again, I like the idea of trying to get a custom piece comissioned, plated onto gold, Au being ideal given the color difference. And I especially want the 210Po piece to be made nicely visible like that, since I love the idea of having a semimetal chalcogen nuclear materials sample piece in the collection, in its elemental state. Its just kinda cool. Its related to oxygen, sulfur, then selenium and tellurium, finally polonium. At least before unstorable superheavy elements with split-microsecond half lives etc. For elements like that, I still would like to try, building an accelerator and attempting to produce an atom or two and detect the decay, and for the table collection, have a photo-cap of the decay chain of the atom or atoms with their characteristic signatures and daughter isotope decay chains. It'd be pretty sweet if I could pull that off for the superheavies, even if I could manage only a few of them.
I don't know if even I could manage that with a self-built accelerator though. You have to admit though, it WOULD be totally cool to pull off building an atom like that, of the superheavy transactinides, even if its only some of them, and a couple of atoms, capturing the decay event and sticking the data of the decays in as the representative. Plus the target used, assuming it can be done safely. Still, I don't know if even I could do it. But it wouldn't stop me trying. That would be...well if I were in the scouts, kinda like a personal merit badge in particle physics
And 2006? you must be kidding me, I've bugger all idea. In the lab, probably for most of it, in the bog taking either a dump, a piss or a dump and a piss for some of it, eating and drinking for some of it, taking meds for part of it. Online for some of it. Thats about it. Out and about at times. Mushroom picking in season, mushroom ID-ing and then eating for parts of it...Sleeping. Playing video games.
Buying, trading for and in chemical reagents.
And inform the officer of my..?
HeT! это может пойти в черный бог!
And how do you say 'extradition treaty can suck my fucking balls and die of cancer in hell' in swedish