for you and your son.
It's hard to see kid getting dumped.
And it's weird to notice how you can miss the ex of a kid yourself after a while, when they were nice and warm people.
Did son move away far?
Thanks hyke

He moved about 100 miles up the road. Might not sound much to the Americans here, but it's quite a distance for your average poor Brit without private transport (especially my self, given present problems with using public transport) .
It;s ironic that his original decision to relocate was to be closer to said girlfriend.
And she
is nice, warm people . And I think this is probably just a hiccup. I very much hope so.
Son and I both think she timed the dumping to minimise on pain to himself, and guilt for herself , thinking it would be better for him, if he didn't relocate under false hopes. We also think that she underestimates his tenacity. He loves her quite enough to want to be there for her, if and when needed, whether dumped or no. He'd never forgive himself if he just caved in, stayed where he is and (likel;y) just sank into a state of depression She has ben going through a horribly shitty time in recent weeks. Not on his account, but their relationship might well "count as "collateral damage " Anyway, he doersn't want to be stalled in his own life, dumped or no, but to continue moving forward, and trying to make a better life for himself.
There were quite a few positives to pulleed out of analysing what went wrong between them: lessons to be learned, inner strength discovered , etc.
One big positive, perhaps: son has suddenly decided to study for Psychology BSc. whilst working part-time. Fortunately, he has a couple of months left to consolidate or change mind before signing up, but I have an idea that he's actually found his vocation at last. I do hope so! In any case, he's gone off with some carefully -chosen books donated from own little psycjhology library, and a deep interest in reading them.
In any case, neither of us is inclined to bitterness and blame. That girl has been enormously good for him. And this break-up might even be good for him too (in the character=-building sense) as he himself observed,...which is not to say it doesn't hurt like the blazes ofc. You don't fall in love to build your character, do you? Andf if
that's all you get at the end of the day, you're not gonna be a happy bunny. However, the jury's still out as to what exactly he gets at the end of the day.