I was extrapolating from 'kuss mich/kuss mein' 'kiss me/kiss my' respectively. And predicting context, using the most likely aphorism of that kind of structure, spoken by a female. Although the german for 'arse' is 'arsch'. Can't say as I know any dutch profanity (well I do now, kurwa MaT pizda:P [russian, better translate that one online, it is a little profane even for this, arse-ring of the autistic-dominated portion of the net.] (the emote is not to be considered part of the text, and don't take offense personally, it isn't aimed AT you, more, a trade in kind. A very rude trade in kind, true, but all the same....maybe useful if you ever get cut up by a russian/polish driver and you want to be offensive in the extreme in return

Gah..annoying me now, but somewhere up in the wetware hard drive, got the russian for calling somebody a 'chicken-fucking paedophile' only not worded quite so nicely. Trying to remember that now. Ironically, the chicken bit has some sort of connection, since the russian prison slang for 'nonce' is 'patookh' (and the sort of abuse that'd get somebody stabbed by anybody other than a paedophile, who would of course have been stabbed pre-emptorily, and quite rightly so, on principle. 'patookh' translates, literally, as 'rooster' and in that context is quite definitely considered the sort of obscenity that would get somebody gutted, paedophile or non-paedophile. The former for being a dirty fucking nonce who has it coming anyway, and the latter for using the term in the first place against anybody that is in the slightest degree to be considered a human being.
Or for a racial slur, 'лизать мои хуй чистый половой член, незаконнорожденный (ethnic slur here>>)чернокожий (<<substitute ethnic slur here)-translates as 'eat (lit. 'lick') my cock clean, you trash-born dirty nigger bastard'
Nobody take that one against me, its just one amongst many, in a library of profanities in various languages I have stored on my mental harddrive. There are a lot of them, most of them non-racial but all of them obscene, in languages both spoken with the tongue, with the fingers/hand (ASL mostly, if you don't count the fairly widely understood likes of the upraised middle finger, selfexplanatory gestures indicating 'one is a wanker' and/or 'fuck off' if combined in either order, and the probably by now fairly widespread british two fingers)