Still totally cunting livid. If it wasn't for the fact I needed the services of the particular Dr practice, the locum (afaik) who spoke to me in the way she did would have been thrown out of the upper floor bloody windows (or rather, through them, I'd not have opened them first) As it is. I am WAY beyond the realms of furious, I have NEVER been spoken to in such a blatantly offensive, rude and disrespectful manner by a ooooooooomedical 'professional' in my LIFE before. No, maybe once. And that was a matter of utter and unforgivable stupidity rather than deliberate and calculated offensiveness. That guy was just a stupid negligent motherfucker that should never have held any position within a hospital other than either cleaning the floors, servicing vending machines, or (maybe) working in one of the shops. Never with a patient, he almost killed me and when it was made perfectly clear that he was about to administer a beta-lactam antibiotic to somebody with an anaphylactic allergic reaction to them and via IV line no less, he ignored me, set it up and started it anyway and despite my giving him hell about it, walked away telling me he'd come back and check on me in ten minutes. Then I came, literally, within about 2 or 3 inches between living and dying, the reason I'm here now is because I used my knife to sever the IV line itself, disconnecting the IV port from the bag of poisoned saline (well to me it was precisely that). If I'd not cut through the line and left it to pour out on the floor.
He was just a total moron though. This fucking islamic sow acted in (her own) admission of bad practice, admitted to telling me lies in order to wash her hands of me and get me out of the room as quickly as possible, violated her hippocratic oath, and actually admitted to insisting she follow her course of action which she was both informed of with absolute clarity, and recognized that it would not only remove protection from but actively CAUSE seizures, and as for what to do about the problem, told me to go have a seizure.
Bloody bitch needs to drink bleach and die of AIDS, at least if the HIV virus would deign to infect such a worthless honking great heap of steaming pig shit. And, I found out today, that without any consultation whatsoever, that my breakthrough pain meds (the oxycodone IR) had been changed abruptly, obviously either the same day the bitch locum was made to squirm and squeal like a stuck pig or the coming monday morning, the latter being unlikely. Bet that fucking bitch did it on purpose, since the drug itself is identical but a difficult to obtain special brand was named, specifially, which must until changed be the one dispensed. Although since I'd have had to wait days for it otherwise, this once, the pharmacist, given the unconsented, unconsulted sudden and utterly unpredictable change to the script, which otherwise has not changed in the least since it was started, bar dose increases after I burnt my eyeball, its still 10mg per capsule, instant release oxycodone, but until this monday no brand was specially named as having to be dispensed. I just BET that bitch doctor did it in vengeance, no other reason is at all likely, just to try and make me suffer. Thankfully if this is indeed the case she failed, because of the compassion of the pharmacist who dispenses my meds, in that he broke the rules this once, to ensure that I did indeed get my oxy and not suffer days of withdrawal due, most likely, to that bitch's act of pettiness. Which I am assuming until proven otherwise that it is.
Major-league fuming fucked off about this. Just rang up the surgery about it and told the receptionist what took place, and told them that first the change must be reversed, and secondly that I require to know both when the change took place precisely, and which doctor acted to instate the change. If its the same doctor that I had the grim argument, that she obviously took pretty hard, because I had her bang to rights with no way out but frank and full admission that yes she was violating the fundamental tenets of medicine, to first do thou no harm to the patient, I.e the hippocratic oath. That she lied to attempt to get me out of her office room faster, that she told me to go and have a seizure (and it happened, too, the fucking whore), and in the end resorted to the most base and pathetic, most utterly spineless tactics of first ignorant denial of simple fact, and then attempting to state 'we are not having a conversation' (which is obviously untrue, for nobody would make a statement of that nature if a conversation was not first being had and no second party was there, conversing.) Whilst I coldly and systematically deconstructed her every resort with the principles of logic. Could practically see the temperature of her blood rising until steaming blood plasma began to flare from her ears and eyesockets under the searing, scorching intensity of my pointy-eared vulcan one-upraised eyebrow. Pretty much went full on Mr.Spock on the stupid creature, until I had her nailed to her office desk and stripped back her arguments to the point of mere writhing and squirming. Uncomfortable wasn't even the word, she was reduced to miserable squeaking and flailing in the mire of her ignorance as she was sucked down and drowned under the inexorable rising tide of cold logic.
Moral of the story? if you are in a position where you cannot employ violence to be rid of one without the instant loss of your job, I.e you cannot just thump those you disagree with, do not fuck with an autie. (and in this case if she had, she'd have been the one needing a paramedic team, since this autie takes no shit:P)
But it was far more satisfying to destroy her utterly with a cold and logical approach. Immensely so in fact. She is lucky I am of a cold-blooded nature (although I can certainly be passionate if I desire so, I am not ruled by my emotions. At one point yes, when younger. But now, logic and tactical thought guides my hand and word save in cases of either immediate physical threat that must be responded to with force in order to be nullified or in the case of the deserved compassion of a friend or loved one being violated, in such cases i have no compunction about dealing with such an offender with the swift and vicious application of physical remedy. And certainly I am passionate in love)
But in the case of such dealings as that doctor, I tend to leave the guilty party a quivering, twitching, psychically spasming, shivering cognitive and emotional train wreck. That particular little turd got shat out pretty hard it has to be said. Amusingly so, practically bounced off the wall so hard was she fired from her seat of mental stability.
Fuck with an autie? get prepared for a roasting. And that doc? she messed with the wrong

and got badly burnt as a result. Don't think I'll be seeing her again much, save for the immediate backlash I have been preparing for her. A scorching isn't enough for the degree of rudeness and insubordination in her speech and manner, she's headed for a crucifixion, at the severest, as a malpractice suit. Admitting that a doctor besmirched her hippocratic oath, and in doing so not only removed protection from danger but directly, biologically speaking acted to place me in the danger in question, whilst demanding my course of remedial action be that which she knew (and remained insistent upon when further informed of its being the case) to be physically impossible, and telling a patient to 'go and have a seizure then' and it being tough crap basically (the latter, being my wording, she herself did not actually use the word 'crap' but that is inconsequential. She fucked up bigtime and she knew it. I could see it in the way she squirmed and flopped and spasmed in the severity of the psychic lock I left her in. She looked when I left like she was going to take some fair long time to recover from the cognitivFuck with an autie? get prepared for a roasting. And that doc? she messed with the wrong

and got badly burnt as a result. Don't think I'll be seeing her again much, save for the immediate backlash I have been preparing for her. A scorching isn't enough for the degree of rudeness and insubordination in her speech and manner, she's headed for a crucifixion, at the severest, as a malpractice suit. Admitting that a doctor besmirched her hippocratic oath, and in doing so not only removed protection from danger but directly, biologically speaking acted to place me in the danger in question, whilst demanding my course of remedial action be that which she knew (and remained insistent upon when further informed of its being the case) to be physically impossible, and telling a patient to 'go and have a seizure then' and it being tough crap basically (the latter, being my wording, she herself did not actually use the word 'crap' but that is inconsequential. She fucked up bigtime and she knew it. I could see it in the way she squirmed and flopped and spasmed in the severity of the psychic lock I left her in. She looked when I left like she was going to take some fair long time to recover from the cereral sandblasting she received. And good. she deserves every last bit of guilt and misery inflicted.
Trigger-what country are you in? I can look into the availability of counteractants to the negative gastrointestinal system effects of pain meds. Although also tell me, are you taking pain medication of the opiate-opioid type, non-steroidal antiinflammatory (E.g nonopioid antiinflammatories such as iboprofen, felbinac, indomethacin, COX2 blockers, aspirin etc.) or something that would be placed in the category of 'other'
Both NSAIDs and opioids can have significant GI tract issues, but the causes are different and the courses of action appropriate to remediate the problems are different.
I sympathize with you too mate, as well. I know what its like to be in awful physical pain. It fucks up your sleep alright, its shitty and stressful, and makes mobility difficult and painful. Hope things at least improve as much as they can ASAP. What is the cause of your pain in terms of physical processes taking place?